November 4th Prayer Update
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November 4th Prayer Update

The cool weather seems to have finally come to stay and we have started switching out what we offer from t-shirts to jackets and sweaters. If you have jackets, sweaters, or blankets you want to donate to our ministry we have a special drop-off day and time during the 'Hope for the Holidays' event at NorthCreek Church on Saturday, November 18th. Click the link below for more information. We would greatly appreciate help restocking our winter supplies.

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October 21st, 2023 Prayer Update
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October 21st, 2023 Prayer Update

Thank you for your continued vitally important prayers on behalf of our ministry which enables us to sow gospel seed among the growing homeless population in Contra Costa County. Our hearts are burdened but hopeful as we trust God to prepare those we encounter during our outreaches. Please lift up these folks to the Lord with us, that God would open their eyes to His great love and desire for a relationship with Him.

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October 7th, 2023 Prayer Update
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October 7th, 2023 Prayer Update

On this particular outreach the Lord allowed us to give the gospel to 42 people. Through direct conversation, or a gospel tract in their blessing bag, much gospel seed was sown. 13 large print Bibles along with smaller New Testaments and other gospel materials were distributed.

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September 16th, 2023 Prayer Update
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September 16th, 2023 Prayer Update

Hope680 is very much a frontline ministry. We get special opportunities to share the gospel with people who have never heard it before and those who have heard the name Jesus but don't understand who he is or what he came to do.

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September 2nd, 2023 Prayer Update
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September 2nd, 2023 Prayer Update

We had a full house of volunteers on Saturday and the gospel was proclaimed nearly 50 times. Our four outreach teams distributed many Bibles to the homeless. We continue to trust God that the gospel seeds scattered will be sown where God has ordained and the people who received Bibles will be drawn to read them.

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August 19th, 2023 Prayer Update
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August 19th, 2023 Prayer Update

This ministry continues to be a ministry of relationships. It is important to us that we demonstrate the gospel while we preach it. We often times encounter familiar faces and we have the joy of seeing them go from unresponsive to open and friendly over several weeks of interactions. We know that our consistency is important to build trust with them.

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Praise Report - Glen
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Praise Report - Glen

We have an incredible praise report to share with you today. We want to tell the story of Glen. We are especially thankful for our faithful volunteers who provided a friendly and familiar face to build a relationship with Glen this year. We know that God used the faithfulness of our Martinez team for His glory in Glen's life.

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August 5th, 2023 Prayer Update
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August 5th, 2023 Prayer Update

It's been four weeks since our last outreach event, so we were extra thankful to go out this weekend and continue handing out sandwiches, water, blessings bags, and the gospel message to the homeless.

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July 1st, 2023 Prayer Update
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July 1st, 2023 Prayer Update

We have a significant praise to share! Below you will read an update about Glen, the focus of our RV Bible Study ministry. We are thrilled to report that the day following this outreach, Glen attended his first Sunday service at NorthCreek Church.

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June 17th, 2023 Prayer Update
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June 17th, 2023 Prayer Update

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! We had a wonderful outreach Saturday and had our very first in-depth Bible study in Martinez utilizing our new ministry RV!

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June 3rd, 2023 Prayer Update
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June 3rd, 2023 Prayer Update

We had a great outreach on Saturday, June 3rd. Thank you for your faithful prayers. God enabled us to be effective. The teams were sent out with the goal of identifying people who had previously received a gospel presentation who might be ready to have a more directed Bible study.

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May 20th, 2023 Prayer Update
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May 20th, 2023 Prayer Update

We are excited as we are getting closer to launching the use of our RV to offer Bible studies to those wanting to learn more about God. Several people, we have met with expressed an interest in that.  Please continue to be in prayer for the logistics and most especially for the wisdom needed for the gospel message to be proclaimed clearly in the lives of those truly seeking to know our Savior.

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May 6th, 2023 Prayer Update
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May 6th, 2023 Prayer Update

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Our faithful volunteers ventured out in the rain to declare God's good news to the homeless of Contra Costa County on Saturday, May 6th.

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April 15th Prayer Update
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April 15th Prayer Update

We had a busy Hope680 weekend. This past Saturday was our morning of outreach followed by a great Sunday afternoon where a team packed blessing bags. We continue with gratitude to God for each and every person who are involved with this incredible ministry.

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April 1st Prayer Update
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April 1st Prayer Update

Your ministry of prayer makes a difference. Last week our teams noticed they were able to have deeper and more meaningful conversations with our homeless friends. The evidence of their engagement enabled the distribution of 20 English Bibles during this outreach.

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March 18th Prayer Update
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March 18th Prayer Update

What a fabulous outreach last Saturday. Our volunteers, including our friends at Clayton Valley Church, were abundantly generous last Saturday by making and helping us to have a substantial number of lunches for us to distribute. We were able to give several to each homeless person we met. Such kindness! No one we interacted with went hungry.

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March 4th 2023 Prayer + RV Update
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March 4th 2023 Prayer + RV Update

We have an RV! We are excited to announce that the Lord has graciously provided for the purchase of a 30ft RV for the ministry. Given the amount that was raised to enable this we have the needed funds to do some significant renovation which we expect will take at least the next 6 weeks tin preparation for ministry. Thanks to everyone who has prayed and donated towards this huge milestone in our ministry.

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February 18th 2023 Prayer Update
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February 18th 2023 Prayer Update

"So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it"

Isaiah 55:11

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February 4th 2023 Prayer Update
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February 4th 2023 Prayer Update

We had a wonderful Outreach team this last Saturday and one of the most productive mornings this year. We interacted with 60-70 homeless individuals, gave them lunches, hot coffee, blessing bags and Bibles. Most important of all, prayer was offered, and the gospel message was clearly presented.

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Walkathon Recap
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Walkathon Recap

We are so thankful to everyone who participated in our First Annual Walkathon Fundraiser on Saturday, January 28th, 2023! We had a wonderful morning together in fellowship raising money for gospel proclamation work.

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