March 4th 2023 Prayer + RV Update
“We appeal to you not to receive the grace of God in vain. For he says, “In a favorable time I listened to you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”
Our March 4th Outreach Teams
We have an RV!
We are excited to announce that the Lord has graciously provided for the purchase of a 30ft RV for the ministry. Given the amount that was raised to enable this we have the needed funds to do some significant renovation which we expect will take at least the next 6 weeks in preparation for ministry. Thanks to everyone who has prayed and donated towards this huge milestone in our ministry. We are excited we will be able to offer a safe place for Bible studies and Biblical Counseling along with other needs this summer. If you have the desire to serve with us in leading a men's or women's Bible study we would love your involvement!
Blessing Bag Needs
Our blessing bag supplies are in immediate need of being replenished. Each week we hand out 50-60 blessing bags which include some high protein nonperishable foods along with some basic hygiene supplies. It has been a valuable tool that allows us to show practical compassion to the homeless without giving out money that would likely not be used in a wise way.
If you would like to donate supplies so we can assemble more blessing bags, please click the link below and sign up for some items you can provide. Details are on the sign-up. Please note: Our drop-off date is now March 31st
Our North Concord team found a stretch of tents along with a motor home on the side of the road. Our team had significant conversations with more than eight people. One of our most useful tools is a bookmark that allows for a simplified focus on God's truth which was shared with each person they encountered. It's our prayer and ask you to pray that each person who received a bookmark would look and be impacted by the truth of God's word.
One of our most meaningful conversations in North Concord was with Guillermo. He shared that his Grandma has often challenged him to repent of his sin and turn to Jesus. Our team echoed his Grandma's words and exhorted him to repent today. He responded that he wasn't ready to repent and that he is on the street by choice. The team encouraged him that 'today is the day of salvation' (2 Cor 6:2), and tomorrow is the devil's day. He seems to have an intellectual knowledge of the gospel but no desire to turn away from his sin. Please join us in praying for Guillermo to be saved. Interestingly, he asked us to pray for the homeless women on the streets and their safety. It is a concern of his. Join us in praying for God's common grace towards the homeless women in our area that He would provide them with protection.
Please also be praying for Jesse, Andre, Billy, Benjamin, Stacy, Jason and Terrance who we also interacted with in North Concord. Let's pray that God's word would stick in their minds and He would use it to soften their hearts.
Our Central Concord team interacted with more than nine individuals. Everyone we interacted with was given a blessing bag, a sandwich lunch and several accepted Bibles.
Please pray with us specifically for Denise. She was very open and kind and took everything we gave her and asked a lot of questions. She remembered meeting our team in the past and seems to have a desire to attend church or a Bible study in the future. We pray that she follows through with that desire.
We would appreciate you also praying with us for Joe. Our team had a very good gospel conversation with him. He grew up in church but has held on to the belief that being a good person would get him to heaven. We were able to tell him that we are saved by grace through faith and our only hope is found in what Christ has done for us. His main prayer request was to find shelter and we pray for him to that end and that he might find ultimate shelter in God.
Please also be praying with us for Richard, Armand, Marlin, Kenny, Jesus, and 'G'.
In addition, please pray for a man who declined to give his name. Initially, he was very angry and even though he was visibly cold, he declined the blanket and water we offered. It's heartbreaking to see people consumed by anger and unwilling to accept help and practical care. We pray God softens his heart and that when we return on future outreaches we will find the soil of his heart softened by the Holy Spirit and willing to have a conversation with our team. We know that all things are possible with God.
Due to the fact that Martinez is right on the water's edge, it was very cold and rainy on this morning's outreach. Despite the weather, our team interacted with over seven people including a gentleman in the community who was very angry at our team. It's his belief that our team was enabling homelessness. We engaged him in conversation which helped to turn his attitude around to the point they were able to invite him to church. We ask you to pray with us that he takes us up on our invitation and attends church.
Please be praying for Victoria. Our team had an excellent gospel conversation with her. She was given a Bible and the team was able to take the time to show her how to read it and direct her to the gospels. She expressed an interest in the Bay Area Rescue Mission. She was given lots of food and some women's hygiene supplies.
Please also be in prayer for Nick, Caroline, John, Sean, Larry and Jim.
We were very thankful to be able to find a large encampment.
Our team encountered some who just wanted sandwiches. A couple of people were given Bibles and everyone was happy to receive prayer. They also gave out some booklets concerning how to be free from addiction.
Please join us in specifically praying for Anthony. We met him for the first time two weeks before. He is an out-of-work plumber who has been on the street for a while now. He expressed a desire to get off the street and asked prayer for housing. Our team gave him a Bible and some reading glasses and instructed him to start in the gospel of John.
Please also be praying for Pocahontas, Anthony, Brian, Andrew, Eric and Saulo.
We are confident that the Lord knows all things. When we meet together as a group returning from the outreach we pray especially for those who didn't want to talk to us including those who didn't want to come out of their tents. We are grateful that we could show them compassion and love. Join us in asking that God would open the eyes and soften the hearts of the lost and draw them to Him.
Please consider signing up for our next outreach on March 18th!
Monthly financial supporters are needed for our ongoing facilities and supplies. A gift of $10 a month will provide a quality bible to a homeless person. Please will you prayerfully considering becoming a monthly supporter, or increasing your giving? Thank you!