February 18th 2023 Prayer Update
“So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it”
We were reminded last Saturday that our ministry should not have its focus on us nor the homeless. The focus is primarily on God and serving Him. We continue to pray for the harvest He brings, and we are immensely thankful to be a part of God's work. Ultimately, we praise God who is in charge of the result. It is our desire to be found faithful in our service to the King.
We encounter so many on our regular outreaches that are enslaved to their sin and addictions. It's our prayer that God would free them from their bondage and bring them into the Kingdom of His blessed Son. It's our desire that God grant them sight beyond their circumstances and healing both physically and spiritually.
Thank you for reading through this update with a heart of prayer as we lift these individuals up to the Lord.
The Martinez Marina continues to be a good place to encounter many homeless who are living in their cars in the parking lots rather then tents.
Ray was approached and told our team he didn’t want anything. He warmed up once he saw others who received hot cups of coffee and he then received one as well. Our team engaged him in a gospel conversation and he expressed some weird belief about God.
Jim is a 68-year-old man who was open and friendly when offered hot coffee and told our team that he is a Vietnam vet. He used to work as a janitor. His current addiction to drugs has left him physically frail but despite his years of drug usage, our team was able to communicate easily with him. They offered him a Bible which he unfortunately did not take.
Sean was open and friendly with our team yet his heart was closed to the truth of the gospel. He believes God allowing Jesus to die for our sins was wrong. We pray for the seeds planted by our team of the surpassing love of God and an understanding that our sin required His perfect sacrifice be made. We've interacted with Sean in the past when he showed our team the fishing pole design he invented. He asked prayer for a stable living environment so that he can get his needed knee replacement surgery.
Daniel and Sarah were thankful for the sandwiches that were offered. That led our team into a gospel conversation where our team offered them a Bible, reading glasses and flashlights. The gospel was clearly shared with them through prayer. We are praying the Holy Spirit bring conviction and repentance to this couple.
Rain seems to have an interest in spiritual things but not a clear understanding of what the Bible teaches. Our team provided her with a feminine hygiene kit, a blessing bag, and food. She says she knows God, and knows the Bible yet she expressed a 'salvation by works' mindset. Rain is a good candidate for a Bible study when our RV is functioning so she can more clearly see what the Bible teaches about salvation by faith.
Moonbeam was living in a shack-type shelter that didn't look very secure.
Ricky is someone we've met before who remembered us. He is a 66-year-old man that has no certainty about where he is going after he dies. Our team encouraged him to devote time to becoming right with God and not leaving his eternal destiny to chance. He declined a Bible when it was offered. Please pray with us that he would be moved to true salvation and eternal assurance.
Armando & Melissa shared they have a 15-month-old and two year old that were taken by child protective services. They are upset that the children aren't able to be cared for by family. Armando is hoping for a job but seems to be content to live on the street. He identifies himself as Catholic. Our team gave him a Bible and a 'Romans Road' handout. The couple did not engage very well with our team. Melissa physically turned her body away so as to have nothing to do with a spiritual conversation. Join us in prayer for a softening of their hearts in future conversation.
Dennis (pictured above holding a Bible) is a 77 year old Vietnam veteran that seemed to still be carrying some mental trauma from his time in the service. The team tried to point him to true repentance and God's forgiveness. He choked up when repentance was mentioned and got very excited when the team offered him a large print Bible. The team showed him the books of John and Romans. Pray with us that he returns often to God's word and that the words of Jesus would jump off the page and draw Dennis to true salvation.
Pete is a skeptic and not sure what 'god' to believe in. Our team challenged him with a frank conversation and encouraged him to seek the God of the Bible. They reminded him God will reward those who seek Him. Pray with us that God will remove the doubt in Pete's mind and reveal Himself to him and that Pete would understand that His day is drawing near.
When our team met Joshua they introduced him to what his name means in the Bible, 'God is salvation.' He listened intently and said that he has a Bible background. He said he believes what was presented. Our team challenged Joshua to read the Bible every day which shocked him a bit. Pray with us that the challenge sticks with Joshua and he is drawn to read the Bible diligently.
Lorenzo is currently living in a homeless shelter. He told our team that he has only been homeless for a week. He had plans to attend NorthCreek church on Sunday. our team had no reason to doubt that he is a Christian. Our team gave him a Bible. We want to join him in that he specifically asked for prayer for discernment.
Ashley and Julius asked prayer for people with disabilities who can’t work and specifically that they would get fair housing. Ashley has come from St. Louis and wanted to move to a place that was warmer and where better health care is being offered. They were very open with our team and had an enjoyable conversation. They seemed to be open to attending church on Sunday. We need to be praying that they in fact make an effort to do that.
Scott (right) is struggling with spiritual blindness and is unable to admit he like the rest of us has sin in his life. Our team shared with him Romans 3:10 "None is righteous, no, not one..no one does good, not even one." They gave him a Bible and they prayed for him. He is struggling with a mistaken belief that the Bible does not have any relevance for us today.
Sherry shared she has come from a Catholic background and accepted the practical help that was offered to her. The gospel was presented and our team asked her if she was willing to receive Jesus as her Lord. She said, "no." Sadly she also declined the Bible that was offered.
Josh and Filicia had drug paraphernalia visible when our team approached. Nevertheless, they were still able to have a good gospel conversation. Pray with us that God waters the seeds planted.
Felicia shared she started her drug addiction 21 years ago at the age of 15. She has been in different rehab centers but she continues to relapse and expressed she is embarrassed to go back. She is fearful she will not find acceptance again. The team offered what she needs is a new heart and a new desire so she can learn to hate drugs. She revealed she wants to be free from her addiction. Please pray with us that she sets aside her fear and seeks help once again.
Josh recognizes his sin but does not want to change which should cause us all to be in prayer for him as well.
An unidentified sister has a number of kids in foster care. Speaking about them was upsetting to her. She expressed a desire to get cleaned up and our team provided her with information for the Bay Area Rescue Mission. She sounded interested. Please pray with us that she follows through.
David admitted to our team that he has been in jail a number of times and that he is currently wrapped up in drugs. During the gospel presentation, he believes the Bible has some inconsistencies. Our team provided him with a Bible which he accepted but he didn't seem interested in discussing anything further. Please be in prayer with us that the seeds planted about the trustworthiness of the Bible will draw him to read it.
Finally is a brief account of the conversations from Pittsburg and Antioch. Lots of coffee, sandwiches, and Bibles were distributed along with intentional gospel conversations. Our team prayed with everyone they encountered in this area. Please join us in praying for each of these individuals who were made in God's image.
Charline was touched that our team came to offer some practical care for her and she started crying. She shared her wrist was painful and was wearing a cast. She told us she has a son Teddy and a daughter Samantha.
Mike has been on the streets for two years. Our team specifically prayed for Mike to see God work in his life and acknowledge God's hand of provision.
Lily welcomed prayer and mentioned that she has family that comes to visit her from time to time.
Marty not only didn’t think he needed prayer and didn’t want prayer. Nevertheless, our team made an intentional effort to show love and care to Marty.
Anthony is in his mid-50s and told our team he has carpal tunnel syndrome which leaves him with a lot of pain and makes working difficult.
It's that time again! Our blessing bag supplies are starting to run out and we need to replenish our reserves. If you have a desire to either donate supplies, donate money for the purchase of supplies or help us pack blessing bags please save the following dates in your calendar.
Donation drop-off date: March 16th
Blessing Bag Packing date Sunday, April 2nd
Stay tuned for a sign-up email and the list of specific supplies we are in need of
Please consider signing up for our next outreach on March 4th
Monthly financial supporters are needed for our ongoing facilities and supplies. A gift of $10 a month will provide a quality bible to a homeless person. Please will you prayerfully considering becoming a monthly supporter, or increasing your giving? Thank you!
Thank you for your faithful prayers, support and encouragement! We are so thankful for each and every person who reads and prays through these emails! You're a crucial part of Hope680 and you bring Glory to God through your prayers and service! We are so excited for the many increased opportunities to be workers in the harvest!