February 4th 2023 Prayer Update
““Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.””
Our February 4th Outreach Teams
We had a wonderful Outreach team this last Saturday and one of the most productive mornings this year. We interacted with 60-70 homeless individuals, gave them lunches, hot coffee, blessing bags and Bibles. Most important of all, prayer was offered, and the gospel message was clearly presented.
We are thankful to God for holding back the rain and for the many volunteers who came out with us this weekend, including Olga and Mari, our Spanish speakers. God used them greatly on this occasion and we are so thankful for their skill in this area.
We ask you to read through this outreach update and pray for each of the people we’ve highlighted. We know that our ministry is on the front line of a spiritual battle, and we need the Lord's help. Please pray that God would remind the people we spoke to about the gospel message and that it would move them to put their trust in Jesus.
Our Martinez Team returned to the Martinez Marina. Though the main encampment was cleared out in November and there weren't any tents, our team found many homeless folks living in campers and cars. They were able to approach these needy individuals with the gospel and food.
Robert is living in a self-made shack that's leaning dangerously. Robert came out to meet our team on his bike. He listened to us, accepted food, and a blessing bag. Our team talked to him for quite a bit giving him a clear gospel presentation and prayed for him.
Our team found Kelly who is living in a car. He was given a very clear gospel message as well as a Bible and a pair of reading glasses.
Dennis seems like he has some belief in God and some knowledge of Jesus. We pray for the fruit of true repentance in his life and a desire to walk in obedience to God.
Tommy was present but didn’t come out of his trailer. Our team offered him food, coffee and clothing.
Steve and Jackie are a couple that started out saying “I don’t want anything" but they eventually warmed up and our team had a pleasant conversation with them.
Kristin was given some food, and jackets (which she was really thankful for). She appears to be a much older lady and our team were thankful to offer her some gospel-centered love and care.
The homeless in Martinez are living in campers and cars more than tents at the moment. Our team was still able to locate many folks and offer blessing bags and coffee along with the gospel message.
Our team in North Concord had some deep gospel conversations with about 10 people. They commented that God seemed to bring person after person their way so their time was productive and filled with gospel proclamation.
The morning started with Oso. He used to be a sandblaster in the shipyard, got shot, and lost his job. Our team started a spiritual conversation with Oso who thought he was a Christian. He is not currently going to church. He admitted he currently uses drugs (meth and heroin), and he didn’t see how drug usage is being disobedient to God. This gave the opportunity for a good conversation about sin. Oso was really engaged and he received a complete gospel presentation. He requested prayer for his son Jerry who is sick with some medical issues. Please pray for Oso's salvation and specifically that the enemy doesn't snatch the gospel seeds that were planted.
Gus seemed happy to see the team once again but was clearly struggling. He seemed agitated and was crying, talking to himself and gesturing. However, he seemed to know and recognize the team. He was never rude. He needs prayer that God would rescue him from the grip of substance abuse by the power of the Holy Spirit and the blood of Christ.
Tyronza (Big Ty) asked prayer for peace and the team pointed him directly to Jesus Christ as the 'Prince of Peace.' Ty has a "cafeteria" approach to spiritual matters: he likes to take bits and pieces from different religions. He was open to what was shared and didn’t reject the gospel or become hostile. Pray that God would open his eyes to the truth of His word and that he would seek the Prince of Peace.
We were glad to have another interaction with Maya. Saturday was her 40th birthday. She is needing prayer for a job and for her family including five children. She has a boyfriend who is not helping her.
John, who was baptized a Lutheran, had a lot on his mind and as he shared with our team he did not appear to be very coherent. He expressed the concern that he thought his death was coming and needed help to get ready for it. We shared some scripture with him but it wasn't a fruitful conversation. Pray that John would read the gospel tract provided and that he would see Jesus as the answer to his questions.
Steve shared that he spent nearly the past year in jail. He said he didn’t need a Bible because he claimed to already be ‘in Christ.’ The team engaged him on his strange beliefs and what the Bible has to say about them. Should Steve be willing, he would be a good candidate for a Bible study. We need to pray that this becomes possible.
Klaus is an artist who is living behind Chili’s with a girlfriend. He has been on the street for two years by choice and sells his artwork in Todo Santos plaza. When our team had an extended gospel conversation they found that he had a very self-righteous mindset. He was unable to acknowledge that he is a sinner in need of a savior. It was very difficult to reach him and find a gentle route so that we wouldn’t cause an argument. We need to pray for the Holy Spirit to bring a conviction of sin and a readiness for the gospel in our next conversation.
As you can see, Crystal was happy and familiar with Hope680. With joy, she spoke to us before heading out to a daily recovery program. She is “scattered” in her knowledge of spiritual things but appears to have an open heart as she was willing to pray with us, and even for us. She received extra clothing, shoes, bottled water, lunch, and a blessing bag. She excitedly took a Bible and bookmark with her and an explanation of the services offered by the Bay Area Rescue Mission. Please pray for clarity/direction and removal of outside influences as she studies her new Bible. Also pray that she is able to resist the temptation of drugs and alcohol.
Our Central Concord team encountered a large amount of Spanish speakers in central Concord. We were so thankful for Mari taking the lead to present the gospel in Spanish. Mari spoke with Kenny, Oscar, Jesus, Vicente and Ricky and gave them each a Spanish Bible.
These Spanish-speaking men come from a Catholic background and a belief in God but they are also relying on good works. They are missing the true gospel message He offers of grace alone through faith.
Vicente specifically asked for prayer that he would become free of drug use. We told him about the services offered by the Bay Area Rescue Mission. We are asking prayer that he takes steps to get help.
Ricky asked for prayer for his Mom who is in the hospital.
Mike and Michelle were closed to the gospel. They had the attitude of, 'I will take what you’ve got but I don’t want to listen to you.' We provided them with the gospel in part through the blessing bags and are praying God softens their heart to His truth.
We stopped to meet with Anthony once again. While he has an ongoing battle with congestive heart failure, he seemed healthier today. He said that he was grateful for the good health. He told our team that he had been reading his Bible until it was ruined by the rain. The team provided him with a new Bible and asked him if he would read aloud a passage that he mentioned which he did! Please pray that God continues to draw him to His word.
In the past, Theresa specifically asked for a children’s Bible but they didn’t see her on this outreach. Some of the people met mentioned that she is in the hospital with walking pneumonia. We were told she is hopeful that she would get permanent housing.
Bobby is another man that we've seen before. He was very gracious to our team but said that he didn’t want prayer. Nevertheless, afterwards the team prayed for him.
Sophia is a lady who struggles with mental illness and recently had a newborn baby taken into foster care. She seems incapable of taking care of herself. She really needs prayer to be saved and for mental healing.
Our team worked very hard trying to engage Christine in conversation but she wouldn't engage. We still left her with practical care and we will continue to pray for her.
We also encountered several others including a man who wouldn't identify himself, someone who was unconscious, and a transgender person. It's heartbreaking to see so much damage amongst these individuals who are created in the image of our God. He loves them even if they hate Him in return. We pray our practical care paves the way for future gospel conversations with them.
Our team was thankful to be able to return to Pittsburg again. The need is certainly great in that city. We want to stand out from other groups that might serve the homeless who only provide practical needs without clearly presenting the gospel. The gospel is the only thing that can bring lasting change and make an eternal difference. The team was blessed to give out all of their coffee, sandwiches, and everything they came to distribute: Bibles, blessing bags, addiction booklets, clothing, and feminine care supplies. While some were not open to spiritual conversation they still received gospel materials such as Tamara. We had the opportunity to pray with several including Mark.
James was given reading glasses, a Bible and a flashlight. From our conversation, it seems as though he knows the Lord. We pray that God would work in his heart and in his situation.
Ivory was super appreciative and was grateful to receive a booklet that could potentially help her with her problem with drug addiction. She was given information for the Bay Area Rescue Mission. She has four children, three of whom are with her mother. She appears to be very open to the Lord. We had a time of prayer with her including a request she has made for involvement in a new community. She would be a wonderful candidate for bible studies and counseling.
Victor was recently released from jail but struggles with addiction. Our team specifically provided him with a booklet on addiction. We pray he reads it seeks help and is ultimately brought to saving faith.
The team encountered a man who has read and is unreasonable in his belief about Satan. We were still able to provide him with a blessing bag and a gospel tract that he received.
Please continue to pray for our ongoing ministry in Pittsburg and Antioch and that we would see a fruitful harvest.
Do you love to bake? Would you consider serving in the ministry of hospitality by providing baked goods for our volunteers? We are looking for individuals who can provide homemade pastries and cookies for our outreach Saturdays for about 25 folks. Sign-up slots available on Sign-up Genius.
Please consider signing up for our next outreach on February 18th
Monthly financial supporters are needed for our ongoing facilities and supplies. A gift of $10 a month will provide a quality bible to a homeless person. Please will you prayerfully considering becoming a monthly supporter, or increasing your giving? Thank you!
Thank you for your faithful prayers, support and encouragement! We are so thankful for each and every person who reads and prays through these emails! You're a crucial part of Hope680 and you bring Glory to God through your prayers and service! We are so excited for the many increased opportunities to be workers in the harvest!