April 1st Prayer Update
"As for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understand it. He indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold in another sixty, and in another thirty."
-Matthew 13:23
Happy Easter! Your ministry of prayer makes a difference. Last week our teams noticed they were able to have deeper and more meaningful conversations with our homeless friends. The evidence of their engagement enabled the distribution of 20 English Bibles during this outreach.
Our team attributes this in part to the time of prayer spent before our outreach and those of our faithful friends like you. We continue to pray for God to prepare those we encounter as well as giving our volunteers the right words to speak. Our desire as God's vessels is to effectively offer His truth to the lost. By God's grace, He is answering those prayers. Thank you for your participation in this ministry!
We also wanted to give a huge thank you to everyone who donated items for our blessing bags. God has abundantly provided for our needs through your generosity. We now have the supplies needed to create another 600 blessing bags which should cover outreaches over the next six months.
Catherine, Melissa, and Cyrus
Central Concord Team:
Ricky told our team he comes from a church background. He experienced some grief with the loss of his mom and turned to drugs to cope. Our team presented the gospel and when they asked him if he was ready to follow Christ in obedience and leave his life of drugs behind he said ‘maybe in a year.’ Join us in praying that the Lord will soften Ricky's heart.
We found Anthony by himself. He didn’t want to talk about his situation and wasn't interested in a conversation about Jesus but he was willing to take a Bible. He eventually told us he is estranged from family but didn't give specifics. Our team focused on trying to be a friend and to speak truth to him.
Once again we encountered a man who calls himself Eight-six. He was not particularly coherent asking some weird questions. Our team provided some practical care and love but they were unable to have a deep conversation with him.
Cyrus (pictured above) is a gentleman born in Iran who ended up homeless through a series of family tragedies. He started his relationship with the US working for the military supporting a wife and five children as a translator. His wife got sick and spent everything they had to pay for the medical bills but she ultimately died. He also had two of his children get sick and die as well. Cyrus is from a Muslim background but was open to hear what the Bible has to say. Our team spent time with him explaining creation, the Trinity, and sin. He has never heard about God desiring to adopt as children those who come to faith in Him. Though he was not prepared to repent of his sin, he told the team this conversation has gotten him thinking. He took a Bible and said he would read it. Join us in praying that Cyrus reads the word and that God brings him to repentance.
Will needs prayer for physical health as he recovers from a hand injury as well as mental clarity. Our team presented the gospel message and followed up with a long conversation but due to his various problems he was unable to engage in a meaningful way with the team.
Solo is a Veteran from Panama and Libya who has experienced much trauma during this time in the military. In addition, his personal trials led him to give away all of his belongings and become homeless. Solo has spent some time in jail where he started reading the Bible. He was able to comprehend the gospel presentation though it's unclear if he has embraced the Savior as his Lord. Our team encouraged him to read God's word and to follow through on what God would expect of him. Join with us in praying for Solo to be able to get to Las Vegas, find work and a Bible teaching church to fellowship with.
Angie is someone we've interacted with before. She is waiting on social services for some financial help and is hoping to find a place to live. She expressed that she has "accepted Jesus as her Savior." Our team took the time to go back over the gospel message and then encouraged her to read God's word in response. Angie might be a great candidate for a Bible study once we complete the renovation of our ministry RV.
Melissa says she knows Christ and was happy to receive a Bible.
Marianne didn’t want anything to do with a gospel conversation but was happy to receive food.
At the end of our time in this encampment 10-15 people started to come down to ask for supplies, coffee, and blessing bags. The team let the group know the reason for distributing supplies and that God wants to provide for more than their physical needs. Join us in praying the gospel tracts included with the blessing bags would be read and that God would grant these individuals understanding and a hunger for Him.
Pittsburg / Antioch Team:
We were told by the homeless we encountered in Antioch that the city is preparing to sweep and start moving people out. These individuals are concerned since the crews who come by to clear things out have no compassion. They tell those who are homeless to leave immediately. The officials throw out anything the homeless can't carry out. This is a major concern on everyone's minds.
We encountered Pocahontas again. She wasn't interested in a conversation and declined prayer but we were able to still offer her some practical care.
Anthony is someone we've talked to him several times in the past and have given several Bibles over time. He was offered a fresh copy of the Bible as many personal items were damaged in the recent rain. Anthony has a connection with a volunteer from the 7th-day Adventist Church who picks him up and takes him to church. Pray with us that God draws his heart to read His word and is impacted by the truth of the gospel.
Jordan is a big guy who just wanted food and coffee.
Damion confessed to addiction. Our team offered him a booklet on overcoming addiction but he declined. He was not very communicative indicating that he has heard about Jesus but was not interested in hearing more. He was given supplies of all sorts and the team prayed for him.
Jessee, and his girlfriend Lily, are living in a camp down by the Antioch Bart station. He is originally from Oakland and is new to this homeless camp. He accepted a Bible and a pair of reading glasses from our team and had a conversation about wanting to change. The team directed him to communicate with the Lord who is the only way to enable change. Please pray with us for God to change his heart.
Victor told our team that he has genuine faith in God and seemed to have joy and peace and a knowledge of the word. We pray his faith is genuine and that he would live out biblical obedience even in the midst of a difficult life situation. The team provided Victor with blessing bags, sandwiches, and coffee and encouraged him to continue reading His word.
The team found Laticia in a little tent tucked away. She was clearly on drugs when the team approached and it was difficult to have a conversation but she was able to quote John 3:16 back to our team. She was given blessing bags along with a Bible, and some pamphlets on addiction.
Mario was under the influence of drugs and when the team attempted to engage him in a gospel conversation he didn't respond. He was offered a Bible but he declined but expressed thanks for the coffee.
We continue to interact with Lonny and Nicole. They have a continued request for a job. We found them sitting under the bridge by themselves. They weren't interested in engaging in a deep conversation but they were happy to get Bibles and receive prayer.
North Concord Team
George was divorced a year ago and let the team know his wife ended up with everything. He claimed to have a Bible background and said he grew up in the church. There is an encampment of a group of men in their 60s and 70s that are all facing lots of health issues and George wanted prayer for health for himself and that group of guys. We provided George with a Bible and challenged him to read it.
Jeffrey had a long conversation with our team and said when his wife died a couple of years ago he turned to alcohol in his grief which led to his becoming homeless. The team prayed for him and gave him a Bible as well as a booklet on overcoming addiction.
Kelly remembered Toby from 12 years ago. He came out of his tent and gave Toby a big hug. He is a self-professing drug addict and a criminal but he is always happy to see Toby. He was also happy to receive prayer and a Bible.
Kelly’s mother Lori is also homeless and she has a lot of medical issues. The team had a good prayer time with Lori. She was also happy to see the team.
Our North Concord team was able to give out all the English material they brought with them including the gospel of John booklets, Bibles and booklets on overcoming addiction.
Please also join us in praying for David, Jared, Billy, and Heather. Our team encountered numerous familiar faces they've seen for years.
Martinez Team
The Martinez team began by meeting Irene and having a good gospel centered conversation. She has been living in her car along with her dog. She is waiting to enter the county shelter. She accepted a Bible and pair of reading glasses along with a blessing bag and hot coffee.
Dan is in his 60s and living in his minivan. He got out of prison in 2016 and has been living in his car ever since. He seemed happy to talk to our team and took a Bible and a pair of reading glasses.
Our team spent time talking with Ashley (pictured, bottom right). She grew up in Martinez and lost her house one year ago and has been living on the street ever since. While she was not open to a gospel conversation, she did receive a Bible. After our team prayed for her she made a point to say “I appreciate that you care.” This greatly encouraged the team. Join us in prayer that she will be drawn to read the Bible she was given.
Jim told our team that he has had a couple of heart attacks and has experienced some recent heart problems. We pray that the realization that the frailty of life will cause him to consider his own eternal destiny.
Kelly has a couple of dogs and was previously living with a brother-in-law who later booted her out. The team had a good gospel focused conversation with her.
Manny is a really nice guy who works at a golf course. Last time the team talked to him he hadn’t worked in months. Now he is working overtime and he is really happy about that. The team offered him food and coffee and continued to plant gospel seeds.
Danielle (pictured below left) shared a heartbreaking story. She is 65 years old and brand new to homelessness. She has been on the streets for two months. She was frightened and crying while telling her story to our team. Her husband kicked her out and she has been living in her car, which she had just finished paying off. She was given information for the Bay Area Rescue Mission and was open to checking it out. The team provided her with lunches, and a Bible and invited her to church on Sunday. Our team was able to give her hope and felt it was one of their best encounters that day. Please pray what was communicated will resonate with her and draw her to true faith in Christ.
Our team had an encouraging conversation with Tom who they remembered from a previous outreach morning. Tom gave the impression that he was really listening to the gospel presentation. They prayed with and for him and his wife Ruth. He also took a Bible.
Andrew was only given lunch and had no interest in a gospel conversation.
Our Next Outreach is April 15th
Please consider serving during a Saturday Outreach in one of the following ways:
1) Prepare Lunches
2) Serving at the Homeless Camps
3) Volunteer Breakfast
4) Cookies for Volunteers
Our ministry is a labor of love with the main purpose of providing gospel hope through practical means to the homeless. Thank you for serving alongside of us!
Buy a Bag, Give a Bag
Hope680 is offering a 'Buy a Bag, Give a Bag' option for our blessing bags. Purchase a $15.00 blessing bag for yourself, you will be providing a blessing bag for Hope680 to distribute during our Outreach Saturdays.
You can keep your blessing bag in your car for when you encounter a homeless person and you feel moved to give them something and share with them the love of Christ.
Thank you again for standing with us in prayer! And a special thank you to the people who are generous to supply the food and coffee that we distribute.