April 15th Prayer Update
"For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ"
-Philippians 3:18-20
We had a busy Hope680 weekend. This past Saturday was our morning of outreach followed by a great Sunday afternoon where a team packed blessing bags. We continue with gratitude to God for each and every person who are involved with this incredible ministry. Everyone including our regular outreach volunteers, to those providing prayer and financial support, as well as those who make lunches we distribute. We want to acknowledge and give a special thank you to those at Clayton Valley Church who most recently provided 60 lunches for us to distribute. We are thankful for their partnership in this ministry.
On Sunday we were able to pack 667 blessing bags. At our present rate of distribution, we should now have in reserve a supply for the next six months.
One thing of note in our latest outreach was a greater encounter with women, especially young women and it makes us particularly thankful for the ladies who faithfully serve us each week. God uses them to offer a gentle yet challenging word when it's needed. We know that God's word will not return void. We pray people will read the Bibles and the gospel tracts we distribute and that many would come to genuine saving faith.
Santa & Mike under Highway 242
Central Concord Team:
Please join us in praying for Santa & Mike (pictured above). By God's providence, despite the loud noise under Highway 242 our team discovered this couple completely hidden from sight. Unfortunately, they were unable to have an in-depth conversation but they simply offered them water, clothing, food, a sleeping bag, blessing bags and most importantly a Bible. We would ask you to pray that in the future, should we encounter them again, we may have a gospel conversation and that the Bible we left with them would be used to soften their hearts and that they would be drawn to read it.
We were glad to see Maya once again and have another gospel conversation. She is unfortunately content in her situation with no real interest in getting off the streets. She says she believes in God but does not appear to have a relationship with Him.
On our last outreach, we encountered Antonio. He is a Spanish speaker and doesn't know much, if any, English. We used Google translate to communicate with him. We translated phrases like 'Would you like a sandwich?' and 'Jesus is the bread of life.' Antonio thought the combination of those statements were humorous, laughed alongside our team. It's our prayer the love of Jesus transcends language barriers. Antonio accepted a Spanish Bible and we would like to enlist your prayers that the Lord draw his heart to read and discover the bread of Life for himself.
Please also be praying for Rosa, Santa, Melissa, Matt, Jose, nameless young girl, and Mary.
Our hearts are heavy when we see people like this young lady. But we are grateful that we can show them compassion and love.
Pittsburg / Antioch Team:
Our Pittsburg team had a really effective outreach and were able to hand out all of the English Bibles that were brought.
Pocahontas is someone that we see on a regular basis now. She constantly changes her hair color and this week she was blonde. She was closed to conversation with the men on the team but did converse with our women volunteers. She told us she is the youngest and last surviving of 10 kids and that she is grieving the loss of her final sibling who died in January. Our team was able to read Acts 17 together with her and she was open to reading more.
Esteban received the gospel message and he appeared receptive. He has limited knowledge of the Bible. He was given a Bible and reading glasses and given direction to the book of John. Our team did invite him to repent and follow Jesus but he is clearly not ready. Please pray with us he follows through on reading and that we meet up with him again to have further ministry.
Samantha is a young lady in her tent who wouldn’t come out. She was extremely distraught that someone had stolen her money. She let the team pray for her but wasn't able to get her mind off of her recent theft.
Please also pray for James, Monat, Jason, Moses, Carrie, Ottis, James, Keith. Jacob. One of these was given a large print Bible. The majority of these folk were more interested in receiving food than having a conversation about the good news. Nevertheless, Jane who when she started reading the Bible out loud, didn’t want to stop. Praise God for her and may she continue have a desire to do so.
North Concord Team
Alex (sometimes known as Guierromo) claims to have been raised as a Baptist. He told our team he is bitter, has a stubborn heart and it is obvious his spiritual condition is poor. He knows he needs to repent and at the present time he is unwilling to do so.
Jerit was the most receptive we've seen him in a long time and our team has a twelve-year history of encounters with him. On this occasion, he was very talkative and was able to be more focused on the Bible. This was encouraging. We want to ask you to join us for him to repent and be saved.
Robin was very friendly and our team had an extended conversation with her. She took a Bible and told our team that she believes in God but is really unclear in the concept. She seemed receptive to the gospel presented to her. She is living in her car and just recently got a job. We pray that God will use the conversation to give clarity and draw her to repentance and salvation.
Billy and Casey both had sores on their arms from drugs. Casey is especially young and very sweet. Billy is able to quote Bible passages. While Billy asked for discernment, wisdom, and prayer we need to pray that they both need to be free from their drug addiction and find hope and contentment in the One who can give them that freedom.
Please lift up Josh, Jerid, Heather, George, Nicky, Cyprus and Lonny in prayer. Most of these folk were not particularly approachable for conversation but they were happy to receive the provision of food and blessing bags given them.
Martinez Team
We spent some time talking to Irene who was also caring for a dog name G.G. We were able to give her a large print Bible that she was so grateful to receive. Our team directed her to read the book of John. Please pray with us that she reads and comprehends it.
Reanna lives in her van in a store parking lot. She was given a large print Bible as well.
Glen heard a full gospel presentation and listened intently. He engaged the team with good questions. He was provided a Bible. We would ask you to pray with us for him to repent and turn his life over to the Savior.
Tom and Ruth live in a van and she has a part-time job. They weren't very interested in talking but they remembered us from a previous outreach and they were a little more friendly and open. We are hopeful that they may be open to future ministry with them.
Please lift up Hoby, JJ, Bear, Sean, Mason, Jim, Dan, and Steve in prayer. Our team was able to be generous with lunches, water, and t-shirts and they made a lot of good connections.
We were able to connect with Danielle once again. This time she had a dog. We met her a couple of weeks ago when she told her story of being new to homelessness at age 65. She was grateful to talk to us once again. She expressed that she is still very afraid and that she won’t open the door to any man that approaches but would open up to our female volunteer. We pray for her safety and that her situation will resolve quickly and that she can return to a home.
Our Next Outreach is May 6th
Please consider serving during a Saturday Outreach in one of the following ways:
1) Prepare Lunches
2) Serving at the Homeless Camps
3) Volunteer Breakfast
4) Cookies for Volunteers
Our ministry is a labor of love with the main purpose of providing gospel hope through practical means to the homeless. Thank you for serving alongside of us!
Thank you again for standing with us in prayer! And a special thank you to the people who are generous to supply the food and coffee that we distribute.