May 6th, 2023 Prayer Update
“And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Our faithful volunteers ventured out in the rain to declare God's good news to the homeless of Contra Costa County on Saturday, May 6th.
We might not have seen the large volume of people we encountered last time, but that allowed our team to have deeper, more meaningful conversations with those God brought their way. He enabled us to proclaim His truth boldly and plead with them to be reconciled to God. Pray with us for God's word to be impactful in their minds and for the Holy Spirit to draw these individuals unto a personal and saving faith in Jesus.
Repairs are underway for our ministry RV! It is our desire to begin offering Bible studies this summer. Do you have a love of opening God's word and showing people how to study it for themselves? We would love to have you prayerfully consider taking part in this new area of our ministry.
In addition, we have a financial need as we take on the responsibility for the full monthly rent of our building. The amount we are needing is an additional $1800 a month. As an example, this amount could be covered by monthly giving of $50.00 from 36 people. Our building has given us a central place to both store our supplies and host our teams. If God is laying that on your heart, please follow the link below to set up a new monthly gift.
Our morning began when we encountered Jackie sitting in her van with her rottweiler. She was a little standoffish. Our team offered her a blessing bag and she was open to a gospel conversation. She was willing to take a large letter Bible and our team stressed the need for repentance and the importance of relying on Jesus alone for her salvation. She acknowledged her need to repent but wasn't moved to follow through. Jackie's husband was with her but he wouldn't talk to our volunteers and moved away from them once the gospel was presented.
Irene received a Bible from us in the past and our team asked her if she had been reading that Bible. She told our team her favorite part is the book of Psalms. Her prayer requests were for housing and for her health. She has a lot of health issues.
As our team was en route they spotted Ron and they pulled over to say hello and offer him food. He remembered our team and they were able to present the gospel to him.
When we spoke with Sarah, sitting in her car, we described for her a word picture of the Righteous one on His throne so she could better understand the concept of sin and forgiveness. She said that no one had ever explained it like that before and that it finally made sense.
Kimberly was a little disoriented when our team approached but they didn't back down from having a rather blunt conversation about sin and the need for repentance. Pray with us that something that was said would resonate with her.
Jim, Eric, James, Ashely, Tom, Glenn, and Ruth. - all seemed like they were doing their own thing. No one was really interested in the gospel but our team continued to be faithful to declare the truth.
Lanny continues to request prayer for a job.
We shared with Billy that we intend to offer Bible studies in the near future and he was very enthusiastic about that opportunity. The team directed him to where in the word he can read and study for himself in the meantime. We pray that he does and that we can continue to foster our relationship with him.
Heather was open to prayer and claims to have faith in God. We pray that God would draw her into a personal relationship with Him.
Jerit was with Lisa. His prayer was for steady work and patience. He said he often struggles with anger and gets into fights frequently. Our team opened the Bible to Romans 12 and encouraged him to leave vengeance to the Lord. He was really listening and this turned out to be a good opportunity for our team. We pray that Jerit is drawn to return to those verses often and that God would use His word to change Jerit's heart to the things of the Lord.
Alex claims to have lost his faith and he comes from a 'messy background.' He has an opportunity to start a rehab program soon and asked for prayer that the program would be a success. We also offered him a booklet on becoming free from addiction in preparation for that program.
Our team prayed for David's salvation and he joyfully accepted the Bible that was offered along with a pair of reading glasses. He was very receptive and seemed to be in high spirits.
Also please lift up Toby, Anthony, Don at the local shelter. We are thankful they have a roof over their heads but we pray that they will be able to complete the shelter program and leave their homelessness behind.
A-tray had questions about suffering and God. He needed a tent and was ready to steal one along with other things including drugs. While he has a Bible and reads it occasionally and claims to believe he is not convicted about sin.
Jay was recently released from a year and a half in jail. He is 25 years old and is a drug user. Our team walked through the gospel with him and he accepted a Bible. He expressed he has doubts about its accuracy. The team had the opportunity to share some historical evidence of how God's word has been preserved through the ages. He seemed to be impacted by that evidence. Please pray with us that he examines through reading further how faith in Christ is ultimately what he needs.
Mary didn’t want to talk to our team at first but when we offered her food and hot coffee she opened up and it turned into a great conversation. She went on to accept a 'Steps to Peace with God' tract and a Bible. The team encouraged her to guard it, treasure it and read it. We also encouraged her to go to the Bay Area Rescue Mission because they have a brand new Women's and children's building. We would want to continue to help her should she make contact with us.
Please also be praying for the many Spanish-speakers whom we encountered and who we were able to give Santa Biblias en Espanol (Bibles in Spanish). While our team of non Spanish speakers were unable to present the Gospel to them directly pray that God would draw their hearts to read His word.
We found a 30-year-old woman named Heather, with visible signs of drug use, hiding back behind a dumpster. She was very apprehensive when the men from our team approached her. When they offered her a sleeping bag her countenance changed and she began to open up. She shared that she moved out from Michigan and was looking for work as a shipbuilder/restorer but that she was holding onto some guilt of the bad decisions of the past that angered her family.
We approached Tyler and his wife Angela and offered them blessing bags and lunches. Tyler is heavily tattooed and told our team he is a musician. He was very focused on the spiritual realm and seemed open to a future Bible study to hear what God has to say about spiritual things. They offered him a Bible which he accepted.
Malcome - just visiting. Not homeless. They are friends. Talked about the importance of the gospel and how a relationship with Jesus Christ would give him hope. A lot of listening but no questions. no prayer requests. Pray that the Lord will motivate them to read the book of John. Give them supplies. Planting seeds. Pray God would water it.
James - raised by a family of Jehovahs Witnesses. He was encouraged to read and understand the Bible and truth for himself. He was given a large letter Bible and directed where to read.
Please also pray for Barbara, Victor, Mike and Jesse who were met.
Michael who was the "man in the car" - He said he's read the whole Bible and thinks there are many contradictions. He had a lot of questions. He seems to be a good candidate for Bible studies in the RV. He did not want to commit to a study. He was given some direction on how he can study independently.
Please consider signing up for our next outreach on May 20th. We have open slots to bring a breakfast item, pack some lunches or bake some cookies for our volunteers. We greatly appreciate your help.
Monthly financial supporters are needed for our ongoing facilities and supplies. A gift of $10 a month will provide a quality bible to a homeless person. Please will you prayerfully consider becoming a monthly supporter, or increasing your giving? Thank you!
Thank you for your faithful prayers, support and encouragement! We are so thankful for each and every person who reads and prays through these emails! You're a crucial part of Hope680, and you bring Glory to God through your prayers and service!