May 20th, 2023 Prayer Update

..I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
— John 10:10b-11

 We are excited as we are getting closer to launching the use of our RV to offer Bible studies to those wanting to learn more about God. Several people we have met with expressed an interest in that.  Please continue to be in prayer for the logistics and most especially for the wisdom needed for the gospel message to be proclaimed clearly in the lives of those truly seeking to know our Savior.


Our team found Irene (pictured above) sleeping.  She was awakened and offered some hot coffee and sandwiches.  She was grateful for the offering of food as well as some t-shirts. We remember having seen Irene on a previous outreach and she gave our team a big hug.  She was in her car along with her dog and had a prayer request for housing. She still had the Bible she was given previously and told our team that her favorite book is the book of Psalms. The team reminded her about the Bay Area Rescue Mission and encouraged her to go.

Richard refused our offer of prayer even though our team asked multiple times. He told us he has problems with his car and that he is looking for a job. Though he declined prayer our team told him we would be praying for him later. He did accept the coffee, food and t-shirts.

We've spoken with Tom on at least 3 occasions. His wife Ruth has a part-time job. Tom is usually timid and shy but he opened up a little more time and was happy to talk to our team. Tom and Ruth have two vehicles, a van for sleeping and a car for getting to work. We asked Tom for his thoughts about Jesus, didn't get a clear response though he indicated he is not interested in reading the Bible.  He did let us know his wife Ruth reads the Scriptures.

Glen is a 60-year-old ex-Marine who was raised Catholic. He seemed to have a pretty good understanding of the Bible. Our team had an enjoyable conversation with him but instead of engaging in spiritual matters he was more focused on his immediate needs. We pray that God will give Glen the ability to move his head knowledge into a genuine trust in Jesus alone for his salvation.

The team found Jim with his PT Cruiser. He was dismissive of our team and didn't want to engage in conversation. We continue to pray for Jim and hope that he will be more open to talking next time. 

Janet was not clear thinking in her conversation with us though she had the presence of mind to ask our volunteers if they individually had a genuine relationship with Jesus. One of our team members exclaimed they want to "always be ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, but with gentleness and respect;" (1 Peter 3:15) The team ended their lengthy time by offering practical help as well as information for the Bay Area Rescue Mission and praying for her salvation. 

Frank is a very talkative guy who claimed to be a Christian. As always, our team challenges those who claim to follow Christ to consider their salvation carefully. We never want to leave anyone with a false sense of eternal security.

A notable absence from Martinez was Danielle. When we last encountered her she was relatively new on the street and we encouraged her to seek out help at the Bay Area Rescue Mission. We pray that she did just that and is no longer on the street.


Alex shared some of his grief over the fact he has lost his godson Oscar who was shot and his father prior to that. He confessed that he has an addiction to drugs to cope with his grief. The team directed him to Matthew 5, "Blessed are the poor in spirit" and "Blessed are those who mourn."  We pray that he would meditate on the words of Jesus and go to the Comforter rather than drugs. 

Billy has met us before and he seems to have a basic knowledge of the Bible. The team read Psalm 23 with him and discussed the phrase 'still waters' and prayed for him.  Some in the encampment where he is have said that Billy worships Satan and it's our prayer that this rumor is untrue.

Bradly was wearing a mask and was difficult to hear. He questioned the accuracy of the Bible and seemed to be stuck on some other myths about Egyptian kings. He was open to the idea of studying the Bible with our team.  We pray that once we have that ability, Bradly will join that study. 

Amy was very closed off and reserved when we began a conversation about spiritual things.  Her facial expression indicated she was not moved at this time toward repentance.  We are praying for her heart to be receptive in the future.

Please also be praying for Tereasa, Jerid, and Shamera who declined prayer.

Wanda (pictured above) is a very pleasant 72 year old woman we found lying on the ground. She said she takes fentanyl to dull the pain from a large and painful cyst. The team shared the gospel with Wanda and prayed that God would give her relief from her pain. We encouraged her to consider going to the Bay Area Rescue Mission. We took down her number to follow up with her. She didn't have a tent and was fairly helpless. We pray that she is moved to accept the help that is available to her. 


While ministering in Central Concord there was a man actively mocking our team while they shared and prayed for people. The spiritual battle is alive a well in these areas of our county.

Brenden was unable to recollect how long he has been on the streets. He was willing to listen to a gospel presentation and was gentle in his response but we are unsure as to how much he comprehended.

Mike told our team that he grew up in Mississippi and was a church attender, has a Bible and reads it but he declined a longer conversation. 

We encountered two very young women who looked to be about 15 (Kai) and 19 (Brianna) who admitted to drug use. Our hearts are broken for the young girls on the street who are likely living a life of prostitution to fund their drug habit. We pray for their safety and for God's help to deliver them from this lifestyle and give them the desire to break free. 

Melissa has been living on the streets for nine years and quickly accepted a cup of hot coffee.  She also accepted two Bibles, one for herself and the other for Elijah, who never came out of his tent. She had a specific prayer request for housing, work, and money.  She was lucid and appreciative of the things that we could provide her. 

Please also pray for Julio and Tray


Anthony had crosses hanging around his neck but appeared to be very angry. He did not have a clear understanding of the Bible. The team gave him a New Testament and opened it with him to the book of John. Anthony allowed us to pray for him.

Sandra is an older woman found living behind a row of stores. She was incoherent saying she talks to "he Lord and the Devil." Though the team had a conversation with Sandra please pray with us that God would save her and that we might have the opportunity to do a Bible study with her this summer should she be open to that.

Arab shared that he would have previously called himself a Christian but is now Muslim. Our team tried to share the doctrinal differences between the two and how the Bible clearly states that there is only one way to heaven. We believe he would be a good candidate for Bible study. His prayer request is for his mother Latrel who has dementia. Arab was overcome with worry about his stuff and ran off. 

Victor said he has a job and is currently working on getting out of being on the street. He seemed receptive and the team spent time in prayer for him. We can praise God for some positive progress for Victor. 

We spoke with two young ladies; Angela and Tracy. Tracy shared that she had just had a baby a few days ago and that her parents took the baby and left without her. Both ladies have multiple kids and are separated from them. They were not willing to talk about spiritual things. They were kind to our team but clearly hurting and using drugs. They both shared prayer requests to be back with their children. Angela expressed her interest in Bible study.

Mario and his girlfriend Jamie also have kids in foster care which they lost due to their drug use. They accepted a Bible, a booklet on addiction, and said they would be open to a Bible study. 

Tim was living in a car with Colorado plates. He didn't want anything and was not interested in the Bible offered. He eventually accepted a hot cup of coffee and lunch. The team presented the gospel clearly to him.  We pray that something said will resonate with Tim and at the very least he will read the gospel tract in his blessing bag.

Our team was able to give out all the supplies that they brought down with them but ultimately decided it was best to leave when they spotted a rather angry man making his way toward them.

Please consider signing up for our next outreach on June 3rd. We have open slots to bring a breakfast item, pack some lunches or bake some cookies for our volunteers. We greatly appreciate your help.

We continue to pray for those who might be able to contribute a small additional monthly gift of $25 or $50 a month to help with ongoing Hope680 expenses, included our offices, and RV maintenance. We are trusting God to continue to provide through you!

FYI Our Executive Staff and Leaders (including Toby and all team leaders) are unpaid volunteers - all donations go 100% towards the running of Hope680, including administrative contractors, our facilities, and RV maintenance costs, as well as ministry supplies.

Thank you for your faithful prayers, support and encouragement! We are so thankful for each and every person who reads and prays through these emails! You're a crucial part of Hope680, and you bring Glory to God through your prayers and service!


June 3rd, 2023 Prayer Update


May 6th, 2023 Prayer Update