August 5th, 2023 Prayer Update

Whoever closes his ear to the cry of the poor will himself call out and not be answered.
— Proverbs 21:13

It's been four weeks since our last outreach event, so we were extra thankful to go out this weekend and continue handing out sandwiches, water, blessings bags, and the gospel message to the homeless.

The Lord is always faithful to direct our paths to find people open to deeper conversations.

We greatly desire that the gospel message will give our homeless friends confidence in an eternal home in heaven, as well as the joy of experiencing freedom from the power of sin in their lives. Please be praying for the 15 people that took the Bible that was offered to them this weekend. We pray that God reveals Himself to them through the pages of His word and opens their eyes to understand the gospel message.


Shamra is a kind 54-year-old woman struggling to keep her focus on the conversation but expressed a general belief in God and was open to the gospel conversation. Our team provided her with a lot of Bible resources and directed her to the Bay Area Rescue Mission for additional help. We can pray that despite her struggles God's word would enlight her mind with His truth.

Paul is a young man that grew up in church but shared that he has a bad relationship with his parents. Our team talked with him about forgiveness and showing the love of Jesus towards those who wrong us. Amid our conversation, he shared some strange ideas about God along with some doubts. We pray that the true God of the Bible will reveal himself to Paul and bring him to saving faith. 

Our team was thankful to be able to spend some time with Glory and share a sweet conversation. Glory is at the homeless shelter and has access to a vehicle.  Our team invited her to come to church on Sunday.

We had a short conversation with Aaron - who shared that his family would make him read out of the Bible as a punishment when he was a young boy and that left a bad taste in his mouth towards God's word. We pray that God would turn that experience around and give Aaron joy in reading the Bible.

We were able to stop and have a conversation with Lonnie this week.  He expressed an openness to studying the Bible with us.  We pray that he and his wife Nikki might be able to have that opportunity soon. 

Our team was greatly encouraged by our conversation with Amy (center) and Gino. On previous occasions, Amy has been very closed to a spiritual conversation. On this outreach, we had an extended conversation with Amy about creation, sin, and Jesus's sacrifice on the cross and gave her direction on reading the book of John. She stated "I want to believe that this is true.” Pray that she calls out to God for saving faith.

We go way back with Gus (right) and on this outreach, we had a great conversation. He was open to listening and told our team that he regularly reads his Bible. Please pray for God to fully reveal Himself to Gus his friend Oso.


We saw quite a few people today in Central Concord and had meaningful conversations with several. 

Mike is someone that we've spoken to before. He was willing to listen but not interested in talking. When our team approached he was trying to take care of an ant attack in his tent and wasn't interested in an extended conversation.

Angela - very open to listening. Grateful for the things shared with her. Her cell phone was dead. She is interested in Bible study. The parking lot of the Park would be a good place to have a Bible study in our RV.

Claus and his girlfriend Jennifer shared a prayer request for Claus' Mom who suffers from sciatica pain. The team had a good conversation with the couple and continued to relationship build.

Please pray for Oso and Alicia who live in a tent near Claus and Jennifer and seem open to a future Bible study. 

Pray specifically for those who weren’t open to taking today. Prepare their hearts for the next time that they would be open to talking next time: Will, Jesus, Terry, and Anthony.


Manny shared that he is trying to pull their money together to seek housing. When we started discussing the gospel, he had a faith-by-works background and it gave us the opportunity to share that God's word teaches us salvation by 'grace through faith alone'.  We pray that the discussion made an impact and we can build on it next time we see Manny. 

Rain owns a big red van with some serious mechanical problems.  Her van only goes in reverse. She had a very emotional conversation with our team where they were able to express the good news of salvation several times with her.  They also gave her information about the Bay Area Rescue Mission and church services. We pray that she reads the Bible she received and was encouraged by our team to seek after God.

Please also pray for Kelly, Andrew, Jim, & Cathy who were less open to a gospel conversation but we were still able to show them practical love and care with food and blessing bags.


Near the Antioch Bart station, we had a very candid conversation with Teddy and his girlfriend Samantha who are living in a makeshift shack. They had a prayer request for a tent and a job.  He was candid about his addiction problem and we gave him our addiction booklet. He told our team that he has been homeless off and on now for four years. He knew what he needed to do to get off the streets. We pray that God would move in his heart to follow through.

Frank claimed to be a Christian and had some knowledge of the word. He and his girlfriend Donna were open to talking with us and thankful for the coffee.  He would be a great Bible study candidate.  Please pray that God would help us make that happen.

Joseph shared that he has been through the program with the Bay Area rescue mission off and on for 7 years. He had memorized scripture and had previously been involved in a church but it seems that he has fallen back into his old addictions. We gave him an addiction booklet and he was friendly and open with our team. We prayed for him and he expressed a desire to go back to Richmond and re-enter the rehab program.  We can pray that the Lord enables him to do so. 

Please consider signing up for our next outreach on August 19th. We have open slots to bring a breakfast item, pack some lunches or bake some cookies for our volunteers. We greatly appreciate your help. Please consider signing up for our next outreach on August 19th. We have open slots to bring a breakfast item, pack some lunches or bake some cookies for our volunteers. We greatly appreciate your help.

We continue to pray for those who might be able to contribute a small additional monthly gift of $25 or $50 a month to help with ongoing Hope680 expenses, included our offices, and RV maintenance. We are trusting God to continue to provide through you!

FYI Our Executive Staff and Leaders (including Toby and all team leaders) are unpaid volunteers - all donations go 100% towards the running of Hope680, including administrative contractors, our facilities, and RV maintenance costs, as well as ministry supplies.

Thank you for your faithful prayers, support and encouragement! We are so thankful for each and every person who reads and prays through these updates! You're a crucial part of Hope680, and you bring Glory to God through your prayers and service!


Praise Report - Glen


July 1st, 2023 Prayer Update