Praise Report - Glen - Spring/Summer 2023
“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Praise Report - Glen
We have an incredible praise report to share with you today. We want to tell the story of Glen. We are especially thankful for our faithful volunteers who provided a friendly and familiar face to build a relationship with Glen this year. We know that God used the faithfulness of our Martinez team for His glory in Glen's life. Our Lord orchestrated so many events so that we could be His hands and feet of love toward Glen. We are praising the Lord for allowing us to be a part of this story.
At the end of this story, we share how you can continue to pray for Glen.
On January 28th, 2023 we hosted our first Walkathon event where we raised all of the remaining funds for a ministry RV. God miraculously provided an RV at a discounted price which enabled us to make the necessary renovations and still stay within budget. We greatly desired to provide a safe place for Bible studies as soon as the summer.
We had the privilege of meeting Glen on April 15th, 2023 in the Marina Parking lot in Martinez (left photo above). Glen received a full gospel presentation and a Bible. He listened intently to our team and shared with them that he lives in his car in the Marina parking lot.
We were able to interact again with Glen during our May 20th outreach (right photo above) where he shared that he is an ex-marine and was raised in a Catholic home. He continued to be friendly and receptive to our team and we enjoyed our conversation.
By our June 7th outreach, the RV renovations were nearly complete and our outreach teams began collecting contact information for Bible Study candidates. Due to Glen's open and receptive heart toward the gospel, he was at the top of our candidate list.
We were excited to offer our First Bible Study utilizing our ministry RV on June 17th. We connected with Glen prior to our outreach event, to arrange a time and place to meet. Glen arrived as scheduled and the team was greatly blessed with a 45-minute group Bible study of Pslam 139. Upon the conclusion of the session, members of the team felt led to provide Glen with a gas card to help him get to church and invited him to Sunday services at NorthCreek.
On July 1st the Martinez team had a second Bible Study with Glen and again invited Glen to attend church the next day.
On Sunday, July 2nd Glen arrived at NorthCreek church and was greeted by members of our Hope680 team at the door. He attended both main service and Sunday school with them and joined them for lunch afterward.
Glen faithfully attended Sunday services and Adult Sunday School weekly through July.
Our Martinez team provided Glen with direction and resources to obtain employment. Glen was faithful to pursue the resources provided to him.
In God's perfect timing, He led a gentleman to NorthCreek who had previously served in the military and desired to open his home to help a homeless veteran. Glen was introduced to this fellow veteran on August 5th. After two days of prayer and seeking the Lord's will, this gentleman offered Glen a fully furnished room and Glen moved in on August 7th. Members of our Martinez team helped Glen get settled in his new home.
Our Continuing Prayer for Glen:
That God would bless Glen's efforts to find and maintain employment.
That God would bless the communication and friendship of these two veterans as they share housing.
Glen would continue to faithfully attend church on Sunday mornings and God would use that to grow Glen's faith.
Thank you for your part in faithfully praying for and supporting our ministry! We pray that God would raise up many more like Glen in the coming months.
We have an upcoming outreach Saturday, August 19th and we still have open volunteer slots. We greatly appreciate your help! Please consider signing up.
We continue to pray for those who might be able to contribute a small additional monthly gift of $25 or $50 a month to help with ongoing Hope680 expenses, included our offices, and RV maintenance. We are trusting God to continue to provide through you!
FYI Our Executive Staff and Leaders (including Toby and all team leaders) are unpaid volunteers - all donations go 100% towards the running of Hope680, including administrative contractors, our facilities, and RV maintenance costs, as well as ministry supplies.
Thank you for your faithful prayers, support and encouragement! We are so thankful for each and every person who reads and prays through these updates! You're a crucial part of Hope680, and you bring Glory to God through your prayers and service!