August 19th, 2023 Prayer Update
“...for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, to give knowledge of salvation to his people in the forgiveness of their sins.”
Our outreach teams this week were small but mighty and we are thankful for each and every person who came out with us to spread the gospel in Contra Costa County. This ministry continues to be a ministry of relationships. It is important to us that we demonstrate the gospel while we preach it. We often times encounter familiar faces and we have the joy of seeing them go from unresponsive to open and friendly over several weeks of interactions. We know that our consistency is important to build trust with them.
We appreciate your prayers for our ministry and for your continued support as we share the gospel in this way.
In North Concord, our team identified a strip of grass off the 242 near Concord Ave with a semi-hidden encampment. The team approached a soft-spoken man named Lucas (pictured above) who was sleeping. The team woke him and offered him coffee and sandwiches. He engaged the team in a gospel conversation and took a daily bread and Bible. He immediately opened it up and started reading it. He shared about his mother who has cancer and his brother with medical issues.
Cyprus is from New Orleans and knows quite a bit about the Bible but he had trouble articulating the gospel. He was very open when our team explained the gospel to him. Cyprus has training in diesel engines and states that he has a job opportunity waiting for him in Huston. He accepted prayer and a Bible from our team.
We found George with very beautiful a dog and engaged him in a really good conversation. He told our team that we wasn't ready to grasp all of what the Bible has to say. He struggles with why God allows sin in the world. The team did their best to point him to Jesus' sacrifice on the cross and left him with a Bible.
Please also lift up Steve, Mike (pictured below, left), Terance, John, Achmad (pictured below right), Shauna, and an unnamed woman in your prayers. Pray that God would soften their hearts and open their minds to the gospel in our future encounters with them.
Our Bible study RV team went out searching for Anthony. We had determined that Anthony would be a great Bible Study candidate but we were unable to connect with him by phone prior to our outreach. Unfortunately, we were only able to locate Anthony's vacant tent, so the team decided to pivot and look for opportunities to share the gospel.
We have spoken with a man named Mike on several occasions. Mike never shows his face. We always talk to him through the walls of his tent. It was apparent that he was more interested in the stuff rather than the conversation but we were thankful that he accepted prayer. He shared that has four daughters, two of whom are over 18 that he is allowed to see. His ex-wife doesn't allow him to see the younger two. He has a prayer for housing and general provisions.
Alicia was moved to tears when our team prayed for her spiritual condition. When we started our conversation she believed herself to be a 'good person.' Our team lovingly discussed with her what the Bible defines as sin and they brought Alicia to the point where she was able to recognize her sin and that sin needs to be paid for. Her prayer request was for an upcoming court date she was called upon to testify and he has a lot of anxiety about.
Jen had a very open conversation with our team on this occasion. When we usually encounter Jen she is with her boyfriend Claus and not very talkative or engaging. She shared about her beliefs and her upbringing. Jen was born to a drug-addicted Mother who used drugs while pregnant so Jen has been a drug addict from the womb. We were able to talk to her about sin and what she knew about the Bible. Jen's main prayer request was for a tent or a roof over their heads. Our prayer request is for Jen's salvation.
Also, lift up Gus and Jesus. Who were friendly but not specifically engaged in the gospel conversation
When this team approached their first homeless encampment it looked like they were interrupting a possible drug party. The people in the encampment (all men) took the coffee and sandwiches but had no interest in a conversation of any type. Once the team left that encampment they were led to pray specifically that God would help them have positive results on this outreach and not come across such hard hearts as these men in this encampment.
The team approached Teddy and Samantha who were both very hungry. When our team offered them sandwiches they both started eating right away and they ate quickly. Seeing the need, our team gave them several bagged lunches. Samantha also needed some medical attention for an infected finger. Our team utilized our first aid kit but they could hardly touch her arm because of the pain. They urged her to go to the ER to get more in-depth medical help and provided her with the location of the nearest hospital. They ended with prayer for their physical and spiritual needs.
Chelsea shared that she has been on the street for a couple of years and looks like she is in her mid-thirties. She has two children who live with their Father, a 15-year-old, and an 11-year-old whom she doesn't get to talk to. he doesn’t get to talk to them. She accepted sandwiches and prayer for her health. It was heartbreaking to see a young lady choosing a life of drugs on the streets rather than living with her children.
We also had good interactions with Davis, Shane, and Frank who received Bibles from us and prayer.
Please consider signing up for our next outreach on September 2nd. We have open slots to bring a breakfast item, pack some lunches or bake some cookies for our volunteers. We greatly appreciate your help. Please consider signing up for our next outreach on August 19th. We have open slots to bring a breakfast item, pack some lunches or bake some cookies for our volunteers. We greatly appreciate your help.
We continue to pray for those who might be able to contribute a small additional monthly gift of $25 or $50 a month to help with ongoing Hope680 expenses, included our offices, and RV maintenance. We are trusting God to continue to provide through you!
FYI Our Executive Staff and Leaders (including Toby and all team leaders) are unpaid volunteers - all donations go 100% towards the running of Hope680, including administrative contractors, our facilities, and RV maintenance costs, as well as ministry supplies.
Thank you for your faithful prayers, support and encouragement! We are so thankful for each and every person who reads and prays through these updates! You're a crucial part of Hope680, and you bring Glory to God through your prayers and service!