July 1st, 2023 Prayer Update

Always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.
— 1 Peter 3:1b

We had the opportunity to pray with both Bishop (left) and Paul (right) in North Concord.

Thank you for praying for our July outreach. Due to summer travels, this will be our only outreach in July. We were praying for a fruitful outreach and Bible study. We scattered lots of gospel seeds and distributed many Bibles, tracts, and daily bread devotionals. It is our earnest prayer that God would bless the distribution of His word and allow it to impact the lives of those who have received it. 

We have a significant praise to share! Below you will read an update about Glen, the focus of our RV Bible Study ministry. We are thrilled to report that the day following this outreach, Glen attended his first Sunday service at NorthCreek Church. He was welcomed by 3 of our RV team, stayed for Sunday School, and even joined them for lunch afterward.  This is exactly the fruit we have been praying for, that those we disciple might come to church and have fellowship with the body of Christ. Join us in thanking the Lord for allowing Hope680 to be a part of the Lord's work in Glen's life. We pray that many more follow!

Would you please join us in prayer as you read through these requests that God would do a work in each and every individual?  Pray that we might see the fruit of the gospel in the lives of those we have regular encounters with.  We earnestly desire that many would come to saving faith. Thank you for your participation in our ministry!!

We were so blessed with our time spent studying God's word with Glen (center).

MARTINEZ TEAM - Bible Study 

Our Bible study team had the privilege of a second Bible study with Glen. They studied John 1:1-27 together.  The Bible study lasted just over an hour.  Glen was eager to study and got teary-eyed at different points in the study.  The group dynamic seems to work well putting our homeless friends at ease. 

Glen shared a prayer request that he not lose his (car) transportation. We would ask you to join us in praying for that request but more especially for Glen to have genuine saving faith and for continued ministry to him. 

During the Bible study with Glen, a few of our other volunteers went to look for homeless parked around the Marina in Martinez. They encountered Melody who shared the fact that due to some financial misfortune it led her to being homeless.  She doesn't believe the Bible, nor the fact that she is a sinner.  Please pray that God opens her eyes to her personal need for the Savior. 

Please also lift up Kim and Jim in your prayers. We had some interaction with them and are trusting God as we planted some seeds of the gospel.


Bishop is a gentleman we've seen on other outreaches.  We were able to have a good conversation opening God's word with him and prayed for him.  Join us in praying that the seeds planted would take root and that God would provide for his needs.

We prayed with Rose who was very open and friendly when we approached her. She was grateful for what we provided her with including food, hot coffee along with a 'Daily Bread' and a small Bible. She was emotional when sharing about her life and family.  We extended her an invitation to our new Bible study program. 

Paul engaged with our team and we discovered he is confused with misconceptions about the Bible. The team was focused on sharing the gospel with him.  When he was asked if he had a request for prayer he spoke about needing a change in his situation along with an estranged relationship with his Mom and the recent loss of his Dad.

A short, challenging conversation took place with Vicky who was hard to hear and understand in part due to the fact she is missing her teeth. She was grateful for the food, coffee, and clean t-shirts provided.

Caleb (DD) is a young man who declined to take anything offered him. He said he has heard the gospel before but doesn't consider it important. Our team asked him to consider where truth comes from and our belief that truth can only be found in God.

Would you lift up Lonny and Nicky this week?  We found their tent trashed but they weren't anywhere near it.  We pray that they are safe wherever they are.  

Pray also for Teresa, Iriv, Darryl, and Jared who didn't want to have a conversation with our team on this occasion.

Our team stopped by a local shelter to distribute some remaining food.

We offered a Bible to Sierra and directed her to start reading from the book of John.  She is struggling with grief at the recent loss of her husband and dog in a fire. The team prayed for her and she was visibly emotional at their care for her. She also was left with a 'Daily Bread' devotional.  

God kindly allows for divine appointments during our outreaches. Our young helper Ezekiel was able to connect with Dominic over their commonality in having prosthetic legs. That connection opened the door for a more gospel-centered conversation.

George accepted a super-sized Bible with thankfulness.  Pray for him to actually read it.

Sandra shared that she was recently released from a 24-year prison sentence. She was born in Martinez, raised in Pittsburg, and used to attend a Baptist church. She has a daughter that she is in the process of reconnecting with. The conversation quickly intensified upon delving into her past, current situation, and living in the shelter with the promise of housing arranged by her public defender. Naturally, her emotions were heightened as she contemplated her future. We talked about her journey and that God can use this to His glory. Please join us in prayer for Sandra and her desire to move forward and that she is able to get into a church fellowship.

The heat of our last outreach brought out this little fella.


Our Central Concord team saw Jennifer only briefly because she wanted to stay in her tent.  She was happy to receive the food and coffee that was offered. We pray that in the quietness of her tent, she reads the gospel tract that accompanied her lunch.

Please be in prayer for Anthony and Sarah who were both very open and engaged in a good conversation. Anthony shared that he was attacked a month or two ago and now has a huge scar down both of his arms.  He was at the Bay Area Rescue Mission to recover and thought they had too many rules and he didn't like that.  Our team had a good conversation with them both and they seem to be good candidates for our RV Bible study.

Mike wasn’t interested in having an in-depth conversation but gladly received the food and prayers offered on his behalf. He expressed his thanks and moved on.

We've also run into Joe previously. We were able to engage him in a gospel conversation and offered him some extra food for a friend. 

Please also pray for Joe, Michelle, Mike, Johnny and Shakina who we met but who were not interested in a gospel conversation.

Elisio shared that he has been on the streets for a while. He speaks both Spanish and English and we offered him a Bible in both languages and he accepted both. We pray that he would read them. He asked our team about church and they gave him information including the location and time of the NorthCreek Church Spanish service and invited him to come. 

We had a good dialogue with Melissa and she was very grateful for what we could offer her. We prayed for her and hope that we can continue to minister to her in the future.


Please be praying with us for Rob and help for his grandmother who has dementia.  Rob most definitely is in need of salvation. We pray for his eternal destiny. 

Don was wrestling with some strange theories on creation. We pray the truth of God's word is able to make an impact on his mind.

Please also pray for Anthony, Jamie, 'Once' and Roy who each had a variety of reaction to the gospel message presented. It's our prayer that they recognize the practical kindness offered was a demonstration of God's love for them. 

Mike has been on the street for 15 years. He did not want to talk about God.  He did not want to hear the gospel or accept prayer. He was willing to discuss sports so our team attempted to creatively turn the conversation to spiritual things. While he has some knowledge of the Bible he has a hardened heart.  Nevertheless, we left him with the commitment that we would be praying for him. 

We met David and his daughter Leanne. David is an Irishman and wasn't receptive to prayer when we first approached but his daughter accepted a Bible.  Ultimately, he took a Bible as well. Leanne has a genetic disorder and she opened up when a member of the team shared their personal testimony that Leanne could connect with. She was very bent over when they first approached and during their conversation, her posture seemed to improve a bit. We pray that we left her some hope and that her heart would be moved to call out to the Lord.

Do you love studying God's word with people? We would love to have you join our new Bible study program.

Please consider signing up for our next outreach on August 5th. We have open slots to bring a breakfast item, pack some lunches or bake some cookies for our volunteers. We greatly appreciate your help.

We continue to pray for those who might be able to contribute a small additional monthly gift of $25 or $50 a month to help with ongoing Hope680 expenses, included our offices, and RV maintenance. We are trusting God to continue to provide through you!

FYI Our Executive Staff and Leaders (including Toby and all team leaders) are unpaid volunteers - all donations go 100% towards the running of Hope680, including administrative contractors, our facilities, and RV maintenance costs, as well as ministry supplies.

Thank you for your faithful prayers, support and encouragement! We are so thankful for each and every person who reads and prays through these updates! You're a crucial part of Hope680, and you bring Glory to God through your prayers and service!


August 5th, 2023 Prayer Update


June 17th, 2023 Prayer Update