October 21st, 2023 Prayer Update
“And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment, so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.”
Thank you for your continued vitally important prayers on behalf of our ministry which enables us to sow gospel seed among the growing homeless population in Contra Costa County. Our hearts are burdened but hopeful as we trust God to prepare those we encounter during our outreaches. Please lift up these folks to the Lord with us, that God would open their eyes to His great love and desire for a relationship with Him.
The team found Anthony, a previous participant of the RV Bible study who said he is anxious to do another Bible study. He asked prayer for his health, a phone, and protection.
Jen was really shy, and as our volunteers approached her she answered quietly though she was hard to understand at times. She asked for prayer for her health and protection.
We have had several conversations with Mike. In the past, he has been very closed to a gospel conversation. Over the last two months, he has been opening up to our team little by little. On this occasion, he shared with us about his family, and asked us to pray for housing and protection. We were very encouraged by this progress and we continue to pray for his salvation.
Please also lift up Archer, Laurence, Lucas, and a man in a cardboard structure who didn't want to engage us in conversation but accepted some food as well as a blessing bag.
Teresa had a good conversation with our team and asked direct questions about the church and the Bible. While we were speaking with Teresa, Tony was intently listening and through a short interchange seemed to have a hunger for knowing more. We pray we may have future opportunities to connect with them.
We were able to talk to a total of 12 people and of those 10 allowed us to pray with them.
JR and Dominique accepted food, and permitted us to have a quick conversation and prayer. One of our team decided to follow them to their encampment and engaged them further hoping to continue building relationships so we may share the gospel.
Mac rode up on his bike and was happy to receive the food and coffee that we offered. He asked for prayer for reconciliation with his grandmother.
Corey also asked for prayer for reconciliation with his family. He shared that he has only been homeless for the last couple of months.
Chelsea told us she has been on the street for a long time. She was really in rough shape physically and mentally. She's a young woman in her mid-twenties, with all the marks of drug abuse. She explained that her grandmother needs care and while her family has asked her to step in, her current condition as a drug user has a bigger draw than her love for her grandmother. Chelsea is carrying some guilt over that. We prayed that she would recognize her need for freedom from addiction and more especially her need to be saved and then her ability to care for her grandmother.
Patricia asked for prayer for God’s forgiveness knowing her actions are sinful. She received food, a blessing bag, a bible, and prayer. She started crying quite a bit when our team prayed about God's unconditional love and grace towards us. Please pray with us that the Lord would continue to reveal Himself to her and cause her to repent of her sin.
Jessica is four months pregnant and told us her house had recently burned down, that her tent is temporary and she hopes to get back into a home soon. She engaged with us, has some bible knowledge and we were able to pray with and for her that her stay on the streets is short-lived.
Shannon has been on the streets for two years and requested prayer for housing and for family relationships which in part is a contributing factor to her being on the street. She was brought to tears when she told the team about this situation.
In our conversation with Bobby we learned he recently survived a terrible accident. While in the hospital he suffered from cardiac arrest twice. We challenged him to repent of his sin and to trust God for his salvation. It's our prayer that Bobby would be convicted and that he may turn his life over to God who undoubtedly has kept him alive for a purpose.
Please also lift up Brandy Amber, and Edward in prayer.
Ken needed some minor medical attention which our team provided since we carry first aid backpacks for just such occasions. While Ken had hot coffee and food from the team, they talked with him about the meaning of sin. It's our prayer that the Lord brings Ken conviction and true repentance.
We saw Randy standing on an Interstate 680 off-ramp. We stopped safely and gave him food, prayed with him and gave him a bible. We were thankful for the opportunity to engage with him.
John was open to a spiritual conversation but he leans on works to earn salvation. We shared with him how salvation comes by grace alone through faith alone. He did express an interest in our RV Bible study.
Mike was a little more standoffish and while he was happy to receive a blessing bag and food, he didn’t want to engage in a conversation about spiritual matters.
This is the first time we've met Dan. Dan has two cars. One car he sleeps in and a second he uses as an Uber driver. Dan says he is a Christian and he accepted a bible. Our team talked to him about church attendance and salvation. They prayed with him and invited him to a future RV Bible Study. We pray for more opportunities to connect with him.
Shawn is an amputee in a wheelchair. Whenever we encounter Shawn we are reminded that alcohol has a big grip on him. He has told us he has had seven heart attacks and continues to have additional health challenges. Pray that God would open his eyes to his need for help both physically and spiritually.
Not everyone we share Christ with is homeless. Even though he has a place to live, Jet prefers to sleep outside each night. We struck up a conversation with him. He has never learned to read and has a speech impediment. He specifically comes out on Saturdays to spend time with a community of homeless guys. He shared with our team he has faced death multiple times. They shared with him the truth from the book of Hebrews that "It is appointed unto men to die once and then face judgment." He had a lots of strange ideas about death. We pray that our conversation about the truth would have an impact on him.
Please also pray for Danny, Jay Jay, Ray Ray, Gregory, and Andrew. They received the gospel to varied degree and we pray for their salvation.
Thank you for your faithful prayers, support and encouragement! We are so thankful for each and every person who reads and prays through these updates! You're a crucial part of Hope680, and you bring Glory to God through your prayers and service!
Please consider signing up for our next few outreach events.
November 4th
November 18th
December 2nd
We have open slots to bring a breakfast item, pack some lunches or bake some cookies for our volunteers. We greatly appreciate your help.
We continue to pray for those who might be able to contribute a small additional monthly gift of $25 or $50 a month to help with ongoing Hope680 expenses, included our offices, and RV maintenance. We are trusting God to continue to provide through you!
FYI Our Executive Staff and Leaders (including Toby and all team leaders) are unpaid volunteers - all donations go 100% towards the running of Hope680, including administrative contractors, our facilities, and RV maintenance costs, as well as ministry supplies.