November 4th Prayer Update
“For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. ”
Central Concord Team:
The city of Concord is increasing its deterrence of the homeless population. Solar chargers are being employed playing Classical music 24/7 as well as other methods are being used to prevent encampments.
We are beginning to implement another method to connect with folks who are interested in our RV Bible study. We now have a few prepaid phones on hand to distribute to our most promising Bible study candidates. We want to find a more reliable way of connecting with them to arrange a time and place to meet. We recognize the importance as it relates to the last few participants. We would like to continue in this important work.
Macario (pictured above) didn’t speak English so our team had a limited conversation with him in broken Spanish. We offered him a Spanish Bible and read John 1:1 with him in Spanish. He told our team that he goes to church every Sunday. We were unable to determine if he indeed has faith in Christ.
We continue to intentionally check in with Anthony, who previously participated in the RV Bible study. We were unable to coordinate with Anthony to plan another study because his cell phone was stolen. He updated us on Jennifer who we previously asked prayer for. We are pleased to report she has gotten help for her physical and mental needs. Praise God for answering our prayers on behalf of Jennifer.
We had a milestone moment with Mike. He generally stays hidden inside his tent but on this occasion, he unzipped the tent opening (pictured above) and we were able to see his face for the first time. We've also observed a softening towards spiritual matters over the past few months. He shared that he has a belief in God and was baptized at the age of 18. Our team encouraged him that repentance is not just a one-time event but a continual disposition of the heart. He was able to acknowledge he isn't currently right with God and he accepted "Our Daily Bread." We pray that our conversation encouraged him to seek reconciliation with God.
Jamie also claimed to be a believer. Our team went through the gospel with her and discovered she is holding onto some worldly philosophies. It's clear she doesn't recognize the truth of the gospel. The team took down her cell phone number and are hoping to offer to study the Bible with her.
Please also be in prayer for Aaron a Catholic who moved out to that area only a few short weeks ago and Francisco, a Spanish speaker camped under the bridge.
Pittsburg / Antioch Team:
One of the locations in Antioch we regularly visit has shifted from a place where people go to do drugs to a place where people are buying and selling drugs. It has been difficult for our team to present the gospel inasmuch as the heart attitude of those we encounter has become noticeably darker. The team experienced spiritual oppression as they initially entered the encampment. They retreated momentarily, began to pray and then headed back in.
The majority of the people who approached our team were 'grab and go' and had no interest in a gospel conversation. We are thankful that the gospel is present in the supplies they receive and we hope that they are moved to read the gospel material.
On the other hand, Frenchie was willing to speak to one of our team members. Her prayer request was for the freedom from depression and for safe shelter though she declined having the team pray with her then and there. The team did give her information for the Bay Area Rescue Mission.
Joann was willing to take a Bible, and team members read Psalm 23 to her, but she was not interested in having them pray for her.
In a different location Sheila was approached who was talking to herself. She explained she is a diabetic and was extremely grateful for the sandwiches. Psalm 23 was read to her and when the team began to pray, Sheila walked away. It's our prayer that some seeds were planted.
Will is immobile after an injury to his leg left him septic. He was able to get some medical care from a free mobile medical unit in Antioch. Will shared he has been homeless a couple of years and was very receptive to our team's gospel conversation. He was willing to accept a Bible and they prayed for his healing.
We saw Chris holding a sign at the freeway off-ramp. The team stopped their car and approached Chris with food and the gospel. He acknowledges he has some mental issues and admits to taking drugs. He was very open to going to the Bay Area Rescue Mission and church. He was willing to take a Bible and the team read John 1:3-4 with Chris. He seemed very receptive to the word. He was open to prayer although seemed was distracted.
North Concord Team
We talked to Jeffrey a number of years ago and remembered he is from Indiana. He wasn't open to spiritual matters but our team skillfully navigated the conversation in that direction. He was happy to accept food, but he declined a Bible.
Jonny told the team his mother texts him bible verses each day. Our team pointed out that Jonny's mother is undoubtedly praying for him and his salvation and we would ask you our ministry family to join us in praying that prayer as well.
Mary Joy is a very soft-spoken Vietnamese young woman. One of our volunteers got quite close to Mary Joy to hear her. She told our team that she is pregnant. It was difficult to have conversation with her but when prayer was offered she lit up with a large smile which seemed to make her happy. She accepted a bible before the team left.
Another individual, Christina, was extremely hostile and angry when approached so the team pulled away immediately but we want to extend prayer on her behalf.
Please also pray for Tracy, Glory, George, So-on, Arden Dominic, and Jason who have various health issues and needs for permanent housing.
When our team completed their ministry in this area, they were able to offer extra lunches to some people at a shelter in the area and those they encountered had numerous prayer requests.
Shamara is talkative. She is not able to focus so it is generally very difficult to matters of a spiritual nature. the team was encouraged because she seems to be one of the few people we've met who genuinely is looking for a way off the streets. She also accepted a Bible and the other items provided.
Martinez Team
Jackie was raised Lutheran. She and her husband Steve are currently staying in the parking lot of the Martinez Marina. The team prayed for Jackie. She says she believes in God but doesn't attend church. She was challenged to find a church to attend. She was appreciative for the conversation.
Frank (pictured above, right) says he is a believer and had an extensive conversation with our team. He said he would be very interested in studying the Bible with our team. Please pray with us that this can be arranged.
Jim was willing to listen to our team but ultimately said he blames God for his current situation. He was not willing to accept prayer or a Bible.
Donald initially shouted profanity at our team. However, when he saw one of our young volunteers in their midst he started crying and apologizing. He shared how at one point he went to a priest who turned him away. This made him feel God was turning him away. The team told him God would never turn him away. They invited him to church, gave him some fresh clothes, a Bible, and shared the gospel extensively with him. He said he has diabetes and failing kidneys. The team could tell that he was feeling hopeless and they attempted to leave him with hope. We were grateful to watch God begin to soften his heart. Please join us in praying for Donald.
Danny (pictured at the top of this email) claimed to be saved and asked for a replacement Bible. He said he has an alcohol addiction and asked for prayer. We provided him with a booklet on addiction and encouraged him to find community in the body of Christ.
Please also pray for Paul and James.
Hope for the Holidays
Hope680 will have a donation table set up at NorthCreek Church
Saturday, November 18th from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
We are currently in need of the following items:
Sweaters and Jackets (Size Larger or bigger)
Men's Socks
Individual drink boxes
Nuts and Trail Mix for one
Protein Bars
Tuna Salad Kits with Crackers
Our Next Outreach is April 18th
Please consider serving during a Saturday Outreach in one of the following ways:
1) Prepare Lunches
2) Serving at the Homeless Camps
3) Volunteer Breakfast
4) Cookies for Volunteers
Our ministry is a labor of love with the main purpose of providing gospel hope through practical means to the homeless. Thank you for serving alongside of us!
Thank you again for standing with us in prayer! And a special thank you to the people who are generous to supply the food and coffee that we distribute.