January 2021 Prayer Update
Toby Weiss Toby Weiss

January 2021 Prayer Update

Our January 16, 2021 outreach had 12 volunteers split into two teams. We were able to share with over 20 homeless folks and distribute 75 sandwiches, as well as hot coffee, warm clothes and bibles. Our Martinez team provided haircuts! Please see photos and prayer pointers below!

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December 2020 Prayer Update
Toby Weiss Toby Weiss

December 2020 Prayer Update

For our December outreach (Sat Dec 19) we had 11 volunteers - our largest team yet, comprised of both men and women, 6 of whom came out with us for the first time. All in all, we distributed 100 sandwich lunches, talked and prayed with over 50 people, and handed out many bibles, warm jackets, t-shirts and blessing bags.

We praise God for his provision of servants and supplies to share with many new and old faces. Please be praying as our ministry grows by God’s grace, that many of these friends might come to truly know Jesus so that sinful patterns and addictions might be broken by Him, and that they might have true Hope resulting in practical change.

Please see stories and photos inside this article

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November 2020 Prayer update
Toby Weiss Toby Weiss

November 2020 Prayer update

We wanted to share some stories from our outreach yesterday so that you might join us in prayer, and praise to God for the abundant opportunities we had to share His love.

Overall we met over 50 people, gave out 75 lunches, handed out about 15 bibles and prayed with all who were open. We operated in two teams: One in Martinez and the other in Concord.

Please see stories and photos inside this article

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