November 6 Prayer Update

"There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other Name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”  Acts 4:12

We are praising God for the deep gospel conversations we had with so many people this last weekend.  The question raised frequently on Saturday centered on whether Jesus is the only way to salvation - the only way to heaven.  Human nature, even when it is faced with homelessness, poverty and addiction, wants to believe that we have the power and the understanding to help ourselves.  But Scripture makes it clear that Jesus is the only true source of overcoming addictions, wholeness, and an intimate, saving relationship with God.  

This is why we serve the homeless community.  We don't simply provide for their need of food or shelter.  We, by God's grace, point them to what they need most of all:  life in Jesus Christ our Lord.  

We praise God for the 20 volunteers who shared with 40-50 homeless friends! Please find some photos and prayer points below

Extended gospel conversation with Heather, who has suffered much (including losing a child) but open to Jesus and reading the Bible

Here's How You Can Pray This Week!

  • Please pray for Dave who is being cared for by hospice for a serious heart condition. He has been told that he doesn't have long to live. Pray that he would receive shelter at the Rescue Mission.

  • Pray for Kate who was suffering from a serious injury to her head.

  • Pray for Shawn who is not yet a believer and has suffered deeply in his life. He is asking serious questions about the goodness of God in the midst of his suffering.

  • Pray for Aaron, Shawn and Rickie that they would come to faith in Jesus -- the ONLY Way, the Truth and the Life.

  • Pray for Heather to put her faith and hope in Jesus, and to read the bible we gave her

Our team shared words from the book of Ephesians that we are saved by God's grace through faith in Christ Jesus, and not by our own good works.

Martinez Team

North Concord Team

South Concord Team

November 23 Prayer Update


October 23 Prayer Update