December 2020 Prayer Update

Praise God for a super fruitful homeless outreach!

For our December outreach (Sat Dec 19) we had 11 volunteers - our largest team yet, comprised of both men and women, 6 of whom came out with us for the first time. All in all, we distributed 100 sandwich lunches, talked and prayed with over 50 people, and handed out many bibles, warm jackets, t-shirts and blessing bags.

We praise God for his provision of servants and supplies to share with many new and old faces. Please be praying as our ministry grows by God’s grace, that many of these friends might come to truly know Jesus so that sinful patterns and addictions might be broken by Him, and that they might have true Hope resulting in practical change.

Martinez Team


The Martinez team of 6 stopped first at a vacant lot on Willow Pass in Concord near Safeway. One of the tents there had two female occupants (plus a dog), and so it was great for Liz and Lauren to be able to minister to them. They also got to pray and hand over bibles, lunches and coffee. Big smiles all around!

The guys also got to see our friend Wolfgang again. He was so happy to see us and he did a lot of sharing of everything God has done in his life. He claims to know Jesus. He was also happy to receive prayer and lunch!

Following this we returned to the Martinez Marina to visit the amazing and large homeless encampment there (about 30 tents). We were welcomed in, and had the opportunity to share with a large group of people who were glad to see us and receive prayer.


The three in this photo asked for prayer and bibles, and were glad to chat for a good 15 mantes. Pray for the young lady, Ashley, as she tries to get a job working with sheet metal.

On the way out, we met with the woman who runs this encampment on behalf of the City of Martinez. This was a great opportunity since she is involved in a lot of ministry in the city, and is open to partner with us in an ongoing way.

Concord Team


The other team of 5 covered the Concord area. In general, there is a significantly greater homeless population than there was several years ago. It was helpful to have five people in our team.

We found people in the area of Concord’s Civic Center, Baldwin Park and the Highway 4 bridges in north Concord. We had opportunities to talk with almost 20 people. They all appreciated the lunches, blessing bags and clothing we had to share. Those items always open the door to conversations about Jesus. Some of those we met were very open to what we had to share. We were able to hand out several Bibles also.

We would like you to pray that our words have found a place in the hearts of each person that we talked to. And that we are able to build our relationships with these people every month with the hope that they will accept Jesus as their savior.

Thank you so much for reading, praying and supporting our gospel work. We are so encouraged by all God is doing increasing our opportunities and laborers. We are hopeful to be able to go out more often by March as resources allow.

Please let us know if you have questions about joining an outreach, providing items, or providing needed monthly financial support. Thank you!!


January 2021 Prayer Update


November 2020 Prayer update