December 4 Prayer Update

As our outreach teams set out each week, the members' hope is to build relationship and trust with the members of the homeless community.  It is through these growing relationships that more and more conversations can take place about God's love for them.  If they see that our team cares about them and treats them with dignity, they become more willing to believe that God loves them and sees them as His children made in the image of God.

This process is not fast -- and sometimes it feels as though it's taking steps backward instead of forward.  However, the continued faithfulness of the Hope 680 outreach members reveals the continued faithfulness of God.  He can be trusted! He longs to be in relationship with them -- live-giving, restorative, deep relationship!

Providing haircuts and care bags that contain items for their daily hygene goes a long way to restore the sense of dignity to our friends.  These guys appreciated the loving care Carolyn and Jorge gave them on Saturday.

Providing haircuts and care bags that contain items for their daily hygene goes a long way to restore the sense of dignity to our friends. These guys appreciated the loving care Carolyn and Jorge gave them on Saturday.


The chaos and horrible conditions at the camp near the airport appliance area is a reflection of the addiction of its inhabitants. This scene is a reminder of Hope 680's need for a facility that can house biblical addiction counseling and bible studies. Please pray that God would deliver them from their addiction and mental illness, and provide the funds for this facility by next year.


Martinez Team Prayer Requests

Please pray for Ken who just got out of the hospital and has heart problems.

  • Bob needs hip replacement surgery. He's in a lot of pain.

  • Please pray for Carolyn and Jorge after long discussions about salvation in Jesus.

  • Please pray for Denise who haves addiction issues and has been somewhat beligerant to the team. Pray she would come to trust our volunteers, receive help, and be able to get into the Rescue Mission.

North Concord Team Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Lauren who, like Denise is struggling with addiction and is responding negatively towards any offer of help or conversation.

  • Please pray for Ron who has met our team members several times and whose friendship with the Central Concord team is growing.

  • Pray for Grandville who suffered a serious injury to his arm and hand when he was hit by a baseball bat.

  • Theona has a severe infection in her nose and is in delibitating hip pain.

  • We are thankful for the growing friendship and trust with Heather and Mark. Heather accepted a Bible previously, and on Saturday Mark received one also.

  • Please pray for Kim and John. His truck carrying all his tools was stolen and he hasn't been able to work. They are also on 3 lists for housing.

  • Please pray for Javier who received a Bible on Saturday. Pray that the Lord would use that conversation to bring Javier to Himself.


Hope 680 is short of supplies for the Blessing Bags. Please click the link below to see how you can help provide these needed items.

We have created a sign-up for 2022!


December 18 Prayer Update


November 23 Prayer Update