January 29 Prayer Update

"Whoever believes in Me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?" John 11:25-26

We are so thankful for this weekend's outreach. We had the largest group of volunteers we have ever had, and we met many people who professed belief in Jesus. Many had Bibles of their own, others gladly accepted the Bibles that were offered to them. We witnessed receptivity to the gospel by many and we saw a great deal of gratitude for the gifts of prayer, blankets, lunches, and care packages.

With the nights falling below freezing Joe was so thankful to receive a blanket. Lee, (who was sitting with Joe) came from a Christian family and told us he had been praying for a blanket. We were so thankful to be a part of how God answered this prayer. Lee also asked us to pray for him because he struggles with people.

We were able to provide Bibles for many of our friends on Saturday. (Pictured above is Christopher enjoying the bible and a hot coffee we provided!) We were thankful the Word of God was clearly in the hearts and memories of many people we met. One man recited Psalm 137:4, "How shall we sing the Lord's song in a foreign land?" The Psalm is a song of lament of those who are in exile, and this is exactly how the homeless feel every single day. What a gift it was to tell them that Jesus is with them, even in this place far from their homes.

Central Concord Team Prayer Requests

  • Zach who was recovering from head surgery after he had been hit by a car. He's suffering physically and emotionally.

  • Pray for the continued safety of the residents in the Central Concord area.

  • Pray for Xray who has talked with the volunteers many times. Pray that these conversations would be used by God to bring him to faith. Please also pray for Billy, Heather, Joe, Eric and Heather.

  • Pray for the continued needs of the residents, many of whom expressed their desire for basics such as a warm shower, transportation, and employment.

  • Pray for Christopher who was glad to receive a bible, and is concerned for the safety and health of his pregnant girlfriend.

North Concord Team Prayer Requests

  • Pray for Maya, who struggles to believe in the authority of the Bible.

  • Anthony who is trying to get home to Tennessee to be with his family.

  • Pray for Theone who is being asked to move by the police. She expressed the difficulty of believing in God with all of the difficult things around her.

  • Please pray for Donald, Jason, Joshua and Daniel, none of whom have faith in Jesus.

  • Pray for Jan who is slowly softening to the truth of the Gospel.

  • We thank God that Lauren - who keeps herself very distant from our volunteers - patted Pat on the head as she was leaving a lunch at Lauren's tent. Bit by bit, they are learning to trust that they are loved by our team, and most importantly, by Jesus.

Martinez Team Prayer Requests

  • Pray for Marcus who seems to have faith.

  • Krystal who is separated from her four children and wants to be reunited with them.

  • Please pray for Andy who lost a teenage child to an overdose death. He's separated from his wife, struggling with substance abuse and anger. Pray that he would come to know the forgiveness of Christ for him and for others.

  • For Bob who needs transportation. He's trying to find a scooter

  • Pray for new friends Jim and Ma


Thank you so much for praying with us!

God is good and trustworthy in the midst of all suffering.


February 19 Prayer Update


January 16 Prayer Update