February 19 Prayer Update

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes."  Romans 1:16

We thank God for the Gospel conversations we had with our homeless friends this weekend. We believe and have experienced the power of the Gospel, but it can be tempting to look at the conditions of our homeless friends' lives and doubt its power -- in essence to feel ashamed. Those who are experiencing homelessness, addiction and brokenness have trouble believing the truth and the power of the Gospel as well. We need to remember that the Gospel is the Power of God for salvation -- for eternal life, restoration with Christ, and hope for freedom from the power of sin in our lives!


"Hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit Who has been given to us." 
Romans 5:5

On Saturday our volunteers entered into Ralph's life in a special way. Although he knows the Lord, his struggle with alcoholism has him out on the streets. By God's grace we were able to connect him by phone to his wife who expressed her love for him and her continued prayers for him. We were able to connect him with a detox and rehabilitation center for him to go to the next day. Ralph and his wife's hope was renewed this day!

Recovery and healing can be a long, arduous journey -- but this dear man was given hope that he is still loved by God, by his wife, and by the Hope 680 Team. This is fleshing out of the Gospel! Please pray for Ralph that the Power of the Gospel would bring healing and restoration.


North Concord Team Prayer Requests

  • Pray for Scottie who has been homeless for a long time

  • James, who received a Bible but doesn't believe that it is the inspired Word of God. The team encouraged him to pray through the Gospel of John.

  • Shawna who was excited to read the Bible she was given and wanted to talk to our team again. Please pray for her father who is dying. Shawna hopes to see him again before he dies.

  • Please pray for Jesse and his girlfriend. She reads the Bible out loud to him regularly.

  • Andre, who is estranged from his father.

  • Please also pray for Troy (who is Jewish), for Jessie, Andre, Anthony, Tim, Christian, Shaney and David.

Central Concord Team Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Ralph that he would be healed of his alcoholism and that his marriage would be restored.

  • XRay who still has a Bible from the Team's last visit. Please pray that he would read and believe the Roman Road scriptures and the copy of the Daily Bread that he was given.

  • Please pray for Noah, a transgender individual who is hurting deeply. Pray that she would come to know Christ's transforming love, acceptance and forgiveness.

  • Gus and Heidi asked for prayer for his brother who has cancer. Please also pray that they along with Benny and Heather would come to faith.


Martinez Team Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Laurie Anne who has two kids, Krystal and Jonathan, who are also homeless. Krystal is addicted to drugs.

  • Barbara asked for prayer that her family would be healed and brought back together.

  • Please pray for Mary, Mike, Ron, and Cedo -- for their safety, provision of their needs, and permanent housing.


Hope 680 is in need of Blessing Bag Supplies. Please click below to see how you help provide these crucial items for our homeless friends.


March 5 Prayer Update


January 29 Prayer Update