November 19th Prayer Update

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

Our November 19th Outreach Team!

November 19th Outreach Stats:

8 Bibles given out
30+ Blessing bags
10+ jackets and 3 sleeping bags
10+ feminine care bags

Martinez Update:

We have an update for those who have been praying for the Martinez Marina Encampment.  Saturday marked our final ministry date to this specific location. We have hopes of continuing the relationships that we’ve begun with these folks and seeking them out in their new housing situations. 

Our volunteers noted that this encampment (which was established in March of 2020) typically has 20-25 tents.  They are down to about 10 tents and the city continues to push forward with their eviction and relocation plans. Bulldozers were seen in recent days tearing down vacated structures.  Many of the residents are moved to a motel in Pittsburg that the city has designated for temporary housing. 

Volunteer Carolyn talked to Barbara. Barbara shared a good health update. She learned that she doesn't have caner in her lungs after a recent test. Barbara will be relocated to the Concord shelter. She expressed excitement about our new Bible Study but, as of yet, doesn’t express faith in God for salvation. We can pray for her salvation along with her request that she be able to get in contact with her estranged daughter and pursue reconciliation.

Our team prayed with Cito and Anton concerning housing. Neither men were sure where they were going to go. Over the last few years of ministry our team has provided them with Bibles and prayer. We can pray for our continued relationship with these men.

Two years ago Sean told our volunteers that he was an atheist. In recent visits he expressed to our team that he would no longer call himself an atheist. Our team was encouraged by some evidence of a softening heart. Our team provided him with some food and continues to pray for Sean’s salvation. He proudly showed our team a fishing pole that he invented, and is in the process of submitting a patent, that is adapted for handicap individuals. 

Please be praying for Kimberly that was genuinely excited to get a Bible today and a handout on how to use it and what verses to look up. We can pray for continued contact and the opportunity to do a Bible study with her.

Even thought the encampment is going away, we are confident we'll find new and ongoing ministry opportunities amongst those who will move to the streets and other encampments, as well as Barbara and others we have long-term relationships with.

Sean pictured with this handicap adapted fishing pole

Central Concord team

Our central concord team goes to an area behind Costco in Concord where they know several homeless are camped.  They were able to share and pray with about 9 people this Saturday.

Tammy was not open to the gospel on this trip. We can pray for the Holy Spirit's help to soften her heart.

Anthony is a 40 year old man diagnosed with congestive heart failure.  He accepted a Bible, gospel tract and prayer. Our team has an on going relationship with him and they expressed that he isn’t always willing to have a gospel conversation so they were encouraged by his openness on this occasion.  He requested prayer for some kind of income and for housing. 

Rico didn’t come out of his tent on this visit but he was happy to receive rain coats, food, coffee and pray with our team.

Jennifer took a Bible and some reading glasses and flash light. We have hopes that God draws Jennifer to read that Bible and meet the God who wrote it in its pages.

Nicole declined a Bible but our team prayed with her. They noted that she seemed to soften up during prayer, they are hopeful that its evidence that the Lord is stirring in her heart. She took the gospel tract ‘Steps to peace with God’.  We need to pray for her salvation.  

North Concord

Our team had several good conversations with people about the gospel and they mentioned speaking to about ten folks. Six of those people expressed interest in a Bible study.

Steven and Jennifer told our team that they have two kids ages 8 and 11 who are currently in foster care that they can visit once a week. On Saturday they were accepting of the gospel conversation and expressed interest in learning more about God and His word. 

After the Outreach concluded they reached out to one of our volunteers and told us that they've been reading the Bible that was provided and highlighting it. They prayed to commit to God and they expressed a desire to come to church.

We can be praying that the small seeds of faith they demonstrated would grow and also that God would provide them with employment and housing with the goal of reunification with their children and that they would follow through and purse a state sponsored rehab program.

Ultimately, we would love to start to disciple these new believers and see them at church. We will have a follow up meeting with Steven and Jennifer to see if they open to attending a Sunday service at NorthCreek church.

Pauli expressed a belief in Christ and had a specific request that he would victory over lust. He has had a desire to also engage others in gospel conversations.  We can pray that his faith is genuine and will continue to grow.

John is a gentlemen that confesses Christ as Lord. He has a Bible and says that he reads it every day. We can pray that God will help him grow in his faith and that it would prove genuine.

Our team was able to connect once again with the husband and wife Lanni & Nikki. Lanni is continuing to grapple with the recent loss of his Mom.  They both claim to be Christians.  We can pray for that their faith is genuine and the God of comfort would draw them to himself and provide for their needs. 

Our team also interacted with Dominic, Nicole, X-Ray and Sarah

Don't forget that there is still time to order your Hope680 Hoodie or
. Please follow the link and pay before December 2nd.


Our Next Outreach is December 10th we also have signup slots available for the New Year.

Please consider serving during a Saturday Outreach in one of the following ways:

1) Prepare Lunches

2) Serving at the Homeless Camps

3) Volunteer Breakfast

4) Cookies for Volunteers

Our ministry is a labor of love with the main purpose of providing gospel hope through practical means to the homeless. Thank you for serving alongside of us!

Giving Tuesday Update

We've already raised more than a quarter of our $4,000 goal! Thank you to those who have already contributed. The deadline to give towards this matching grant is Nov 29th at midnight.

Thank you again for standing with us in prayer!
We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.


December 10th Prayer Update


November 5th Prayer Update