December 10th Prayer Update
'Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."'
-John 14:6
Our November 19th Outreach Team!
A unique challenge of Saturdays wet weather our teams experienced was the ability to hear those they encountered. The sound of the pouring rain was extremely loud under bridges and our volunteers had to shout to be heard. We found that people were reluctant to come out of their tents and shelters due to the harsh weather conditions to talk with our volunteers. A benefit of these conditions being so cold and wet, people seemed to be more receptive to the prospect of services from Bay Area Rescue Mission. As a result of the weather, we had to cut our ministry morning a little bit shorter than usual but it was still a productive outreach.
Our team brought an additional tool that was greatly helpful, laminated bookmarks. These bookmarks (created by the lovely Catheirne) have John 14:6 printed on their front, and on the back the service times for NorthCreek Church, and the contact information for the Bay Area Rescue Mission. They came in handy when distributing Bibles. Our volunteers would place a bookmark in the Bible in the gospel of John so a homeless friend would know where to begin reading.
DART Team:
Adrian was found sleeping bag under a bridge. Conversation was shared about who God is and that He is the Creator, and has a son. Adrian doesn't currently believe that Jesus was the son though the volunteers shared the truth of the scriptures with him.He asked for pamphlets and tracks and asked what church the volunteers attended. He then asked for a Bible and expressed interest in going to church.
Darryl is someone that our teams have interacted with on several occasions. He has told our team on multiple occasions that he doesn’t believe in the deity of Jesus and he will get angry when someone talks about Jesus being God. We can be praying that the Holy Spirit softens his heart, convicts him of sin, and draws him to Himself.
You can be praying for Wanda and Loraine. These two ladies were behind the old Fry's building. Wanda was in a wheel chair and had a prayer request for housing.
Loraine accepted a Bible from our team but didn’t really know what to do with it as it was her first introduction to the scriptures. We gave her a bookmark, put it in the book of John, and suggested she start there. The team prayed for her safety due to flooding and for a warm and safe place to stay, as well as her need for salvation. She wouldn’t make eye contact with our volunteers through much of the conversation, and both ladies seemed to be exhibiting evidence of drug abuse.
Central Concord team
Anthony is a man our teams have interacted with for about a year. They were able to share the gospel yet again with him and pray with him and his friend George who was with him.
Another man our teams have been interacting with Robert is hit or miss on being open to conversation. Saturday he seemed more open to talking and expressed interest in going to Bay Area Rescue Mission. We continue to pray for an open heart, and a willingness to pursue transformative change in his life and heart.
Our teams wandered down to the canal where the big camp used to be. Rico and Loraine were the only ones out in the rain. They remembered some of the volunteers and were grateful to see them. They shared with both of them about the Bay Area rescue mission, and they expressed that this was the first time they had ever heard of it. They were grateful and excited about the prospect of going there.
Our team found Terry who was there but asleep under a tarp with no tent. They gave her coffee, and had a short conversation with her. She didn't want to share any prayer requests with the team, but our volunteers went ahead and prayed for her anyway.
The teams have known and interacted with Teressa for a year or so who is struggling with serious mental health problems. She had delivered a baby in John Muir hospital in the last 6 months, and the baby was removed from her care. She was open to prayer and they prayed for her salvation and protection and for her baby. It was a short conversation as she seemed to be under the influence at the time.
We found Curtis hanging out in some outdoor public bathrooms trying to get out of the rain. The team provided him with a blessing bag and sandwich and even a rain jacket. Curtis was pretty wet and grateful for the jacket.
North Concord
Despite the weather, our North Concord team was able to distribute all the practical items they brought on this outreach; Bibles, blessing bags, and sandwiches. We pray that people would specifically be drawn by God to read the Bibles they were given.
Our team had another conversation with Alex. On previous conversations Alex shared that he came from a baptist background. He told the team that he wants to get right with God. They pointed him to Bay Area Rescue Mission as a place to take the first steps towards changing his lifestyle. He knows the gospel really well intellectually. Prayer for true conviction of sin and genuine repentance.
Stacy was another who expressed an interested in the rescue mission. Our team gave her another bible.
Doug had some physical injuries. He is a landscaper but because he is injured he can’t work currently. Doug has a catholic background and he received the Bible gratefully. The team prayed for housing for him and healing of his injuries so he can return to work.
Elizabeth didn’t want to come out of her shelter on this occasion. She shared that she doesn’t believe that you can pray to God outside of the church building. Took food but wasn’t receptive to the gospel or prayer.
John was given a hot cup of coffee, some food, and then became receptive to prayer. He expressed a desire to find housing. Our team mentioned that he was rather enjoyable to talk to and receptive to the invitation to the gospel. We can be praying that the Holy Spirit is at work.
Dominic and his girlfriend Nicole didn’t have much sheltering them. Our team didn’t have a long conversation with them but they were able to pray for them briefly.
Marty is a gentlemen that doesn’t like human contact and is not welcoming to our team. Would you be in prayer that God would provide a way for him to hear the gospel?
Dan and his partner Steve were at the local shelter. Both claim that they believe the gospel but they don't read the Bible. It's our prayer that they heart would be illuminated to the true gospel and repentance would follow.
Our team interacted with Taylor who works at the shelter, and shared the gospel with him. He comes from a Catholic background. They gave him a Bible and encouraged him to read it. He confessed that he is a sinner, and aware of the gospel. Explained the difference between Christianity and Catholicism.
Walnut Creek Exploration Team
We met Lynn by the front door of target under a tarp. We were able to give her a cup of hot coffee, sandwiches, a copy of the Bible. She shared some interesting opinions about sin and doesn’t personally believe that drunkenness or drugs are sinful . She was not happy with the volunteers disagreement about that based on what the Bible says. The gospel was shared clearly with her, and she wanted to read to the team about John the baptist. She tried to convince them that John the Baptist was wearing a bathing suit as he was by the Jordan river. The team prayed for housing and salvation. She was clearly an addict and alcoholic. Please be praying that she would come to understand what the Bible says about sin and repentance, and commit her life to follow Jesus.
Our team found Kels at Civic park. He told our team that he is Irish. He accepted the coffee and sandwiches, but was not really interested in spiritual conversation. He was willing to take the gospel tract given to him. Pray that God would prompt his heart to read it.
Not many others were visible at Civic Park or wanting to come out of their shelters. Our team left some blessing bags with gospel tracts on their doorstep for when they return or wake up.
On the way back to the rendezvous spot, our team noticed David under an overpass. The rain was so loud they had to shout to hear one another. David has a Roman Catholic background. They offered him a gospel tract, and prayer. He took a bookmark and the rescue mission information on the back was pointed out to him.
As the year 2022 comes to a close, would you please consider giving a tax deductible gift to Hope680 for our general expenses? We are so thankful to the Lord for his provision through you and your generous gifts.
Our Next Outreach is January 7th
Please consider serving during a Saturday Outreach in one of the following ways:
1) Prepare Lunches
2) Serving at the Homeless Camps
3) Volunteer Breakfast baked goods
4) Cookies for Volunteers
Our ministry is a labor of love with the main purpose of providing gospel hope through practical means to the homeless. Thank you for serving alongside of us!
Save the date! We would love for your participation and support for our First Annual Walk-a-thon fundraiser event on January 28th 2023! We are praying for 75 people to register to walk and gather sponsors for this event as we can raise the remaining funds for our mobile ministry unit. This will allow us to expand the quality and quantity of our outreach to the homeless.
Thank you again for standing with us in prayer!