November 5th Prayer Update

Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.’
— Matthew 9:37-38

In 2022 Contra Costa County reported 3,093 homeless residents. This last weekend we served 44 of those people in the cities of Martinez and Concord.

Although we praise the Lord for every life touched and each gospel conversation, the need is great. Hope680 continues to have the goal of sending teams out more frequently along with the goal of partnering with other Bible believing churches in our county for this important gospel work.

UPDATE: The Lord has answered our prayer for an office space. We are signing the lease paperwork today (Nov 8th) for a space on Contra Costa Blvd in Concord. This lease represents an additional financial obligation for the ministry. Please consider becoming a monthly donor as even an additional gift of $25.00 a month would help us further this important gospel ministry.

We are grateful for those who faithfully volunteer to make sandwiches and serve on Saturdays. We couldn’t do it without our dedicated volunteers. We believe the expression of God’s love is made all the sweeter when delivered by loving faithful hands.  

    Due to the recent drop in temperature, our teams brought blankets and sweaters along with them on this ministry day. They continue to offer our homeless friends a hot cup of coffee, a sandwich and a blessing bag full of practical supplies before they engage them in gospel conversations and offer them a Bible or a gospel tract. Thank you for your continued support so that we can purchase these items to distribute. 


   Our Martinez Team said that this day of serving was a rather unusual day. They were met by two gentlemen who were tasked with removing people from the Martinez Marina encampment through the month of November.  They have expressed their goal of offering housing for every resident of the encampment as well as offering them other services like counseling, and drug assistance. It will be up to each resident if they will accept the offer or not. Four of the residents have already been placed. Regardless, every person will be removed from the encampment by Nov 28th.

   Please pray that we can continue to minister to these folks no matter where they end up and that the seeds planted for the gospel would be watered. Please pray for Jess, Noralee, Paul, Barbara, Leanne, Matt, Jonathon, Grace, Sido, Anthony and others

   In particular, the Martinez team had a good conversation with Barbara who asked a lot of questions about faith. That opened an opportunity to share what true biblical faith is. Praying that God would open her eyes to the truth. 


Our Central Concord had conversations with 14 individuals this Saturday. They came across several familiar faces near Costco. It’s these continued conversations that allow us to make the biggest impact. Along with the regular faces they encountered a few new ones. 

Anthony (1) is new to the Central Concord area and our team was able to offer him a Bible. Anthony asked that we pray for his struggle with congestive heart failure and that he be assigned an advocate from the insurance company. 

They encountered another gentleman also named Anthony (2)  with a new dog. He was very shy. Our team hopes to see him again and begin to build some trust that will lead to gospel opportunities. 

Robert is a man they’ve seen on multiple occasions and volunteers Todd and Cathy were able to spend extended time with in in conversation. Pray for softening of his heart to the Lord. 

Our team encountered a new man named Derek who expressed some problems with his feet that caused some trouble walking. We can be praying for relief from the pain.  

A new lady who refers to herself by the name ‘Sexy’ asked our team how she could get baptized. This question allowed an opening for the gospel and an explanation that baptism is not what saves a person. She was willing to take a Bible and seemed receptive to the conversation. We can pray that seeds were planted and that she reads the Bible that she received. 

Continue praying for Ricky. He struggles with ulcers and a strained relationship with his sister. He expressed that he desires to change but he is waiting for the new year. Our team encouraged him not to wait, but to make those changes today.   

Our team came across three Spanish speaking men, Fransisco, Gustabo and Jesus, that didn’t speak much English. Due to the language barrier, our team wasn’t able to have a good conversation with them, but they were able to offer them coffee, lunches and blessing bags.   

Sean is new to the area. Happy to see them and conversational. But once the conversation turned to spiritual things he was not open to the conversation. The team prayed for him before moving on.

Volunteer Pat with Alex and Stacy. Alex told our team that he has been reading the Bible he received and they had a good gospel discussion. He wanted prayer for his Mom might be dying and in the hospital and also that he himself might be losing his eye sight

Concord DART Team

Our DART team ministered to approximately 7 individuals. 

Mike was one of these that they encountered that had no tent, and no jacket. The team was blessed to provide him with both, along with a blanket and some food. Mike states that he has a Christian background but seemed closed off to gospel conversation. He did share a prayer request to the team that he would be able to find a job and a home.

Sean has been on the street for two years. His neighbors are provide him with some food. Sour relationship with Melissa his girlfriend. Looking for a job and permanent housing 

Ricky is sick, prayers appreciated for his recovery. Received a large Bible. Our team is praying that he reads it.

Filipe is a gentle but gruff gentleman. He claimed to believe in God and Jesus Christ but that he doesn’t believe in the Bible. Insistent that what he believes is right and that God will accept him as he is. Pray for an open heart. With much persuasion he took a Bible. Pray that he opens it and reads it.

Keith was given clothing, blankets, food. Didn’t have any prayer requests for himself. Used to go to a local church and he claims to be a Christian. He has no possessions with him on the streets. 

ASH (his initials) is a young 22-23 year old who has been on the street for a year. He didn’t want to accept the Bible but took a daily bread, the Romans Road and other gospel materials along with some water and a blessing bag.

The team recommend that he check out the Bay Area rescue mission in Richmond.


Our team checked in on 'Two Knives' and expressed that he didn't not appear to be in good shape. The community in North Concord fenced him off to help protect him from injury or theft. Our team gave him a sleeping bag 

Jerry Jr was able to hear a full gospel presentation a few weeks ago. He shared that he has been struggling with anger and nightmares.  

Stacy seemed to have a more mild response to a Christ centered conversation. Our team hopes that is evidence of a softening heart. She admitted to still struggling with drugs and alcohol.   

Frank claims to be a Christian but didn’t want to talk about his faith or beliefs indicating to the team that he doesn't have a genuine saving faith. We need to pray for his salvation. He is trying to get into an apt. and he needs a doctors note to get disability.  

This is Lanny. He and his wife lost their home a few months ago and their 3 children are living with family near by. He told our volunteers that he and his wife are Christians and they were both thankful to receive a Bible. They've struggled with some theft of their belongings while on the street and shared that his mother had died the night before.

Please consider signing up for our next two outreach dates. We still have open slots to bring a breakfast item, pack some lunches or bake some cookies for our volunteers on either Nov 19th or Dec 10th


November 19th Prayer Update


October Combined Prayer Update