Nov 16th Prayer Update

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
— Colossians 3:17

Happy Thanksgiving! The temperature has dropped and the rains have started but our faithful volunteers continue to show unwavering love and care for the homeless community. We are thankful to be able to show practical care by providing those we meet with food, hot coffee, and a warm jacket. But our main purpose in this ministry is to proclaim the gospel. The physical items provided have no eternal significance, but the word of God is eternal and has the power to transform lives. It is our desire to see many homeless saved. Thank you for your participation in this gospel-centered ministry. 

Giving Tuesday is next week and we aim to raise $12,000 towards our ongoing ministry expenses. We've continued to make progress towards our goals for expanding the ministry. We've started a training group of men who desire to become equipped to counsel those trapped in addiction. With your donation money, Hope 680 is covering the training program for these men. We are grateful for their willingness and your generosity as we expand our ministry still more in 2025. Any Giving Tuesday Donation will help us reach our goal!

Click the Link below to read more about our 2025 goals and see the real-time numbers!

Our RV team had prepared to do a Bible study with Chris. But on that morning, it didn't work out to meet with Chris, so the RV Bible study team switched gears and offered a Bible study to Cyprus. He accepted and it was a blessing for our team to study God's word with Cyprus. He preferred to have the Bible study outside which ended up being an unexpected opportunity for a few others to listen in to the study. We pray that seeds were planted to those who were listening.

Cyprus asked great questions about Jesus' death, how it atones for our sin, and how to understand true repentance. We continued to be encouraged by this aspect of our ministry as it is important to spend more organized time studying God's word with those who are willing. Please pray for Cyprus, and that God would direct many more to be involved in studying God's word with us.

Our team was greatly encouraged by our last conversation with Granville. He was in good spirits, probably the most upbeat we've ever seen. We've known Granville for over 12 years and had many discussions and interactions with him. We were able to celebrate with him on his recent success in obtaining a driver's license. We were thankful for the time to have an in-depth conversation with him on this occasion and continue to build the relationship.

Granville was also within earshot of a Bible study that we were having with Cyprus and he started to engage with the study and had some deep questions. We continue to pray for salvation for Granville and we were thankful for each conversation that the Lord brings our way

Our team had a profitable conversation with Andy. He has a good deal of scripture memorized but when our team began asking more in-depth questions about salvation Andy admitted that he didn't have certainty in his eternal destiny. The team challenged him with the steps of true repentance and faith and provided him with a Bible. Please be praying that God would continue to work in Andy's heart and bring him to saving faith and a certainty of salvation. 

This group of nine homeless folks bowed in prayer with our team.

The Vallejo team spoke to Denise in her tent. She quickly accepted a Bible, and some reading glasses, and began to read it immediately. Here she is pictured with her nephew AJ. The team was greatly encouraged to see her dig into the scriptures so quickly.

Please pray for these individuals who took Bibles or previously received a Bible. We ask that you pray that they would read the Bibles provided.

Jimmy - listened to the gospel intently
Christina - asked prayer for her breast cancer
Pasha - great conversation
Darrell - claims to be a believer

Pray for these people who were friendly but declined Bibles. We pray that they will be more open on our next outreach.

Mary Ann
Steve - Buddhist background
JR - Trapped in addiction
Ken - declined a Bible but took a copy of Our Daily Bread

Pray for these people who were closed to a conversation, that God would soften their hearts before our next outreach.



Our Next Outreach is December 7th 2024

Please consider serving during a Saturday Outreach in one of the following ways:

1) Prepare Lunches

2) Evangelism at the Homeless Camps

3) Volunteer Breakfast

4) Cookies for Volunteers

Our ministry is a labor of love with the main purpose of providing gospel hope through practical means to the homeless. Thank you for serving alongside of us!

We continue to pray for those who might be able to contribute a small additional monthly gift of $25 or $50 a month to help with ongoing Hope680 expenses, including our ministry supplies, offices, and RV maintenance. We are trusting God to continue to provide through you!

FYI Our Executive Staff and Leaders (including Toby and all team leaders) are unpaid volunteers - all donations go 100% towards the running of Hope680, including administrative contractors, our facilities, and RV maintenance costs, as well as ministry supplies.


Dec 7th Prayer Update


Nov 2nd Prayer Update