March 19 Prayer Update

Remember my affliction and my wanderings, the wormwood and the gall! My soul continually remembers it and is bowed down within me. But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” Lamentations 3:19-24

The compassion of Jesus is fleshed out every time we kneel down to pray and comfort the broken, the hopeless, the forgotten.  We go to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ - the only hope that any of us have.  And sometimes all that can be shared is a touch - a reminder that they are human and loved by God and that they have value, such as our friend X-Ray pictured above.  Please pray for our homeless friends, and thank God along with us that His compassion and mercies never fail nor end.

“Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” Isaiah 6:8

Members of the Central Concord Team pray with Jason


Many of the people we met on Saturday were eager to receive Bibles, and we talked to several folks who had been reading their Bibles regularly and wanting to talk about what they have read. We are very thankful for how God is working through His Word!


Martinez Team Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Bob (pictured below) who has significant injuries to his hip and knees. He also has a sister who is quite sick and needs our prayers.

  • Charlie asked for prayer that he would be able to get his driver's license and birth certificate in order to find employment. Pray for his continued sobriety.

  • Please pray for Andy who is struggling with anger and bitterness over being separated from his children. Pray that he would understand the forgiveness that Christ offers.

  • Sarah is in need of safe shelter because of an abusive relationship.

  • Please lift up by name Markus, Anton, Matt, Lisa, Henry, Frank and Kristol.

Please pray for the healing of Bob's hip and knee and pray for his
sister who is ill.

Charlie asked us to pray that he would be able to find employment


Central Concord Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for X-ray as he continues to struggle with addiction and for his physical health.

  • Pray for Tray, Miranda and Gus, and Joshua that they would continue to read Scripture and grow in their faith.

  • Please also pray for Michael, and Jesse and Kathy who accepted Blessing Bags. Pray that God would grow their receptivity and willingness to talk about spiritual things.

  • Please pray for Heather who is suffering from back pain. She also wants to be reunited with her daughter.

Please pray for Cathy who is hoping to receive her social security soon along with permanent housing opportunities


North Concord Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Shawna who is reading her Bible but is still unclear who Jesus is. She is seeking and wants to be right with God.

  • Kelly is also reading her Bible and is learning from another woman who is teaching a Bible study in the camp.

  • Please pray for Brian, James, Nick and Jared who are very closed to the Gospel. Pray also for Rick, Terrence. Anthony and Cyprus.

  • Please also pray for a woman named Harold who becomes combative when she sees others reading scripture or praying. Pray that God would deliver her and heal her.

We would love to have you join us on our next Outreach on April 2! To sign up for this or any future outreach opportunity, click the button below.

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If you'd like to partner with us financially, please give online at Give — Hope 680.

Most of all we request your prayers for our friends mentioned above to come to know Jesus and to find hope in Him that never fails and allows addictions to be permanently broken.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support!

Grace and peace

Toby Weiss


April 2 Prayer Update


March 5 Prayer Update