April 2 Prayer Update

 “ 'Everything is possible for one who believes.' Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, 'I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!'"

(Mark 9:24)

In talking about his addiction, one of our homeless friends named Dominic who uses his drugs to numb his feelings stated that he "wants to want" to get off drugs. This isn't much different from the man who was asking Jesus to heal his son.  He believed, but he recognized that his belief was falling short.  Jesus didn't rebuke him for that mustard-seed-sized faith.  He responded in compassion to him and healed his suffering child.  

And as Jesus responds in compassion, He calls us to respond in compassion -- to care for the broken and the addicted.  To love those who don't have the ability, faith or the even the desire to change.  Doesn't this describe all of us a lot of the time? Yet, "while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly... God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:6,8)   This is such Good News!

Please pray for Dominic and others like him, that he would come to believe in Christ Jesus, be brought to life, and that he would repent of his addiction and even his lack of desire. Pray for him to follow our clear instructions to seek help from believers.

This weekend we were able to provide food, Bibles, reading glasses, and shoes. Providing these items is a gift of love and compassion, and they help to create an opportunity to have gospel conversations with our homeless friends.

Marcus and Stacy try on new shoes.

We praise God that we were able to have 4 teams this time due to so many more of you faithfully serving on Saturday mornings! Thank you!

North Concord Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Terrence whom we met at the last outreach. We are thanking God for good conversations about Christ, our Solid Ground, and that Terrence realizes that he has not been on solid ground.

  • Please pray for Stacy who said she's been going to church. Please pray for her to get into a drug program and into an apartment.

  • Please pray for Jared who evades spiritual conversations but was willing to receive prayer.

  • Continue to pray for Jim who keeps himself highly isolated from people due to Covid fears.

  • Continue praying for "Two Knives" who fell and broke his hip and whose condition is deteriorating greatly.

  • And pray for a man who wouldn't give us his name that he would come to believe in the truth of Jesus and his word. God knows this man's name!

Concord Dart Team Prayer Requests

Note: This new smaller team is going to smaller sites with 1 or 2 homeless people that larger teams have not always had time to stop at between larger encampments.

  • Please pray for Kenneth who said he used to read his Bible but has become distant to God. We were thankful that he wanted to pray for us as we prayed for him. He opened his prayer with, "here I am, God...."

  • Pray for Desmond who was quite delusional and confused. Pray for God to deliver him.

  • Mark asked us to pray that he would be able to get off the streets and find work. He suffers from addiction and has a police record. We were able to give him a flashlight and some reading glasses so that he could read his Bible.

  • Alex asked for prayers for his happiness and safety, and that he would know how to better deal with his life. Jesus is the answer to each one of these needs!

Achmad, who is from Afghanistan, has been homeless for 27 years. He was very open to gospel conversations and accepted a Bible from us. Yet he did not just receive from our team. He in turn offered hospitality and kindness to us in the form of shared food.

Central Concord Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Heather who has visited with our Team many times. She had a bible and we were able to pray for her. She used to attend a church and said her life has really gone down hill. One of our team members was able to share how much God loves her.

  • Please pray for Anthony and Sophia who were not open to talking.

  • Brian and Lorraine, a couple whom we met several months ago after they lost their house in a fire, are moving to Idaho. Brian has found work and they seem to be doing well. Please pray for their safe travels and that they would flourish in the Lord in their new home.

  • Please pray for Bill and continue to pray for X-Ray who was happy to see us.

Please pray for Tracy who is in a lot of pain.

Rico was very happy to see our team and asked us to pray with him.

Martinez Team Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Lee's health

  • Please continue praying for Bob who needs hip surgery. He can't get the surgery until he gets into a stable living environment.

  • Paul asked for prayer as he recovers from hepatitis.

  • Please pray for "Moondog" who was having trouble comprehending conversations and was suffering from slurred speech, presumably from being under the influence of drugs or alcohol

Thank you for your prayer for the ministry of Hope 680.

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April 16 Prayer Update


March 19 Prayer Update