June 18 Prayer Update

Amazing Grace....how sweet the sound...that saved a wretch like me.  I once was lost but now I'm found, was blind but now I see.

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your saving grace....grace that is far greater than all the wretchedness of our sinful hearts. Draw our homeless friends to yourself, that they might believe, repent, and follow you with their lives.

Joey was thankful to receive a new Bible from our team.


Last Saturday's outreach provided opportunities to talk to many of the same folks we have met before. We continue to pursue them with the truth and love of Jesus Christ, offering them His life, forgiveness, and hope.

Please continue to pray for X-ray who we have met many times during out outreaches. He suffers from severe physical pain and is trapped in addiction and mental illness. It is only through the power and love of Jesus that he will be healed and brought to faith and repentance.

The Dart team handed out coffee, shared Bibles, and provided lunches to quite a few folks on Saturday. They were able to give new shoes to Anne who was very grateful but resistant to conversation. They also met Peter, Scott, Robbie and Timothy. Sadly, the effects of alcohol and drugs were evident on most of those they met.

Peter, who was on the Central Concord team, shares scriptures with Carlos. Carlos, along with his wife and 2-year old son, have recently become homeless. Please pray that they would get into a shelter and that the Lord would protect them, especially their young child.

Members of the team were excited to talk to Albert and Alicia who were very open to the gospel. Please pray that we would be able to talk to them again at the next outreach and that God would be at work in their hearts after that conversation.

Please also pray for Dominique and Don, Ron, Heather and Richard. Pray that those who were resistant to conversation would be prompted by God to engage with us next time, and for those who were willing to talk, that the conversations would be used by God to bring them to saving faith.

The Von Haunalter family, who served on the Martinez team, prays with their homeless friends.

Andrew, who served on the Martinez team, talks to Ronnie. We have met with him and his wife, Sarah many times. Pray the continued love shown to them and the many conversations we have had with them would by used by God to bring them to faith.

We were excited to learn that a woman named Laurie is leading a Bible study in the Martinez homeless area. AA meetings are also being held twice a week . And we were thankful to talk to Jonathon that was excited to share with us the scripture passages he has been memorizing. God is at work!

Please continue to pray for Marcus who still needs hip surgery; for Frank who has been moved to a psychiatric hospital; and for Joyce, Anton, Leigha and Linda.

This area is going to be vacated by police order on Friday the 24th. Please pray that these folks would find a safe place to live and for their protection.

Please pray for Willie who suffers from diabetes and a broken foot. He was willing to talk to the members of the Dart team and received a Bible and a copy of "Our Daily Bread."

The North Concord team talked again to Jose who continues to believe that Jesus is not the only way to salvation. They also met Guy who has found a job and starts on Monday. Our team exhorted him to go to church and to continue in prayer. Jose's partner, Maya was willing to receive food and blessings bags, but is still unwilling to come out of her tent.

Please pray for Allen who had been going to a Jehovah's Witness church; for Alex who is paralyzed by his past sin. Pray that both of these men who come to know the truth and forgiveness of the Lord Jesus.

Please pray for Stacy who stays in the homeless camps to be near her son. She had quite a few open wounds that our Carolyn helped to clean and dress for her. Our tender Shepherd fleshes Himself out through these volunteers. We are so thankful!

Thank you for your prayer support for Hope 680.

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When we've been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun, we've no less days to sing God's praise than when we've first begun! Amen!


July 9 Prayer Update


June 4 Prayer Update