June 4 Prayer Update

Your prayers are not in vain!

Thank you for praying for the ministry of Hope 680. This simple call to prayer is particularly fitting as we learned this week that the homeless population in Contra Costa County has increased nearly 35% since 2019. Though these statistics are disturbing, we do not lose hope....God is at work, and we are thankful for His redemptive love and power. In fact, we remember this promise penned by the Apostle Paul....

"But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

1 Cor 15:57-58

We had 24 people at Saturday's outreach! We are so thankful for the people God is raising up to befriend and share the gospel with our homeless friends.

Central Concord Team Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for those who we have met over the course of the last several outreaches that God would enable them to believe the truths they have heard again and again. Pray for Ricky, Angie, Ben, Anthony, Sarah, Brian, and Sophia.

  • Teresa, Heather and Billy were all given reading glasses and Bibles, were encouraged to read their Bibles and were open to talking. Pray that God would use those conversations and the truth of His Word to bring them to faith.

  • Pray for Ryan who will not come out from his tent but who has received lunches from us. Pray that God would nudge him out of his tent so that we can meet with him.

  • Please pray for Michelle who is missing an arm, has trouble speaking, and who has health issues. Imagine facing these issues and not having a safe place to live!

  • We also met with Jimmy and Melissa again. Jimmy is the one who says that you can't live on the streets and not do drugs. They continue to dialogue with our team, so we are thankful for that, and they were so excited to learn that people are praying for them every week!

Dart Team Prayer Requests

  • Please continue to pray for Achmed and Jim, and Mark who have had many conversations with our team about faith.

  • We are thankful for Kenneth who was talking to us again about the Bible app he has on his phone.

  • Pray for Daniel who talked to our team about what would happen when he dies. Pray that he would give deep thought to this conversation and give his life to Christ.

  • Pray for Terrence who we met for the first time. He was willing to listen, for which we are thankful.

  • Please continue praying for Tray who gets very agitated and struggles to believe in God when so many bad things have happened in his life. Pray that God would reach him with His comfort and mercy.

Please pray for Mark who suffers from severe alcoholism. Catherine has been talking to and praying with and for Mark for over a year. Pray that he would be go the Rescue Mission for help and be freed, through the power of Christ, from his addiction.

Evan shares the truth of Jesus Christ with Achmed, Jim and Terrence. Jim is the one whom Evan sung to at the last outreach, and Jim remembered the words!

North Concord Team Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Josh who said that he has been reading the Bible. He believes in the historical aspect of Scripture but refuses to believe in the supernatural -- the miraculous. Pray that God would open his eyes....another supernatural, miraculous event!

  • Pray for Shawna who was given a Bible previously but admitted that she had pot sitting on it. There is a noticeable decline in Shawna's health and appearance due to her use of drugs.

  • Continue praying for Two Knives who is still struggling from his broken hip. He was quite intoxicated when we saw him on Saturday.

  • Pray for Marty, JR, Guy, and Al for more conversations with them and that they would come faith.

  • Pray for Maya who received prayer and who said she's going to a local church. Pray that she would continue to go and that the church would demonstrate the love and forgiveness of Christ to her.

  • Pray for Marty that he would come to believe the true God and Savior Jesus Christ.

Members of the North Concord Team take supplies to the camps.

Martinez Team Prayer Requests

  • Pray for Linda and for others in the camps that God would protect them from teaching that comes from people in false religions and churches.

  • Please pray for housing for Ron and also for Mary who is currently on a wait list.

  • Continue to pray for Bob who is still in need of hip and knee surgery. He can't have the surgery until he has a place to stay.

  • Pray for Sarah who is separated from her daughter. She became aggressive during the conversation but calmed down when our team prayed for her.

  • Pray for Marcus who says that he's going to church and showed our team the devotional he's been using.

  • Please pray for Leprechaun, Paul, and Bob.

  • Pray for Leanne who lost her 14-year old son to death. Pray also for Ronnie, that both women would come to faith in Jesus Christ.

Adriano shares Christ with Jerome who is with his dog Snowflake.

Thank you for your prayers for Hope 680 and for the homeless community in the 680 Corridor. They are cherished and needed more than ever!

We continue to raise funds for an RV that will enable people to participate in Bible Studies and counseling with experienced and trained addiction counselors. Can you help? Learn more in the link below.


June 18 Prayer Update


May 21 Prayer Update