July 9 Prayer Update

We are so thankful for how God revealed His love and goodness to our homeless friends this last Saturday. Please join us in praising God for His faithfulness and in praying for the continued needs of our friends.

We have such encouraging news about "Two Knives" (Dave) whom we have been interacting with for several months.  In the beginning, he was very resistant to conversation, refusing offers of prayer, tracts or a Bible.  Yet we have continued, by God's grace, to reach out to him, showing him the relentless love of God.  

On Saturday he actually allowed us to pray for him and read scripture to him.  He even accepted a Bible. Please continue to pray for him. 

Please pray for Sophia, a woman we have met with many times in the last several months.  Sophia suffers from severe mental illness and addiction.  She shared with our team that she believes she is pregnant.  This raises immense concerns about the health of the child given Sophia's mental condition and her use of drugs. Please pray for God's mercy in this and that she would get medical care.

Pray also for Barbara.  Our team encouraged her to go to the local rescue mission.  In her conversations and prayer with our team, she willingly relinquished alcohol she had in her tent and allowed our team to pour out the bottle. 

Our team engaged in long conversations with Deanne, Michelle and Barbara,  All three participated in discussions about the Bible and salvation in Christ Jesus.  They also expressed a desire to participate in Bible studies.  Please pray that their faith would continue to take root and that God would continue softening their hearts toward Him.

Other Ways You Can Pray

  • Continue praying for Guy who has found work as a crane operator.  Pray that he would be able to keep his job and find housing and transportation. Pray for his cousin Marty who is also homeless and has deep psychological issues. 

  • Pray that God would increase Tampa's faith, and pray for his wife, Maya.  Pray for the care of her children who were separated from her and have been cared for by others.

  • Pray for Bella, Shawn and Melissa, all of whom received Bibles and accepted prayer.

  • Lift up before the Lord  the following individuals: Marvin, Anthony, Juan, and Stu, Rick and Terri.

Thank you for your prayer for the ministry of Hope680!
To participate in future outreaches, be sure to sign up  by clicking below.

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By God's grace, we are a third of the way to our financial goal for the purchase of an RV.  The RV  will greatly assist in serving the needs of the homeless in the 680 Corridor by providing opportunities for biblical counseling and Bible studies.   To learn more or to contribute, please click the link below.


July 23 Prayer Update


June 18 Prayer Update