August 20 Prayer Update

O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.
(Psalm 8)

The Psalmist rightly exclaims the wonder that God would look at us and love us as the crowning jewel of His creation. When God looks into the faces of our homeless friends, does He respond any differently? Those who are homeless and addicted certainly don't feel that they have any worth, and unfortunately, the world around them confirms their worst fears. But they do have worth! They are made in the image of a loving God, and God's desire is to restore them to wholeness by bringing them to faith in Jesus Christ, forgiving them of their sins, and freeing them from all that enslaves them.

Outreach Teams

Top Row: Central Concord and Dart Teams
Bottom Row: Martinez and North Concord Teams

The members of the Central Concord Team were able to talk to many of the same folks they have met before. Through these frequent encounters our team is able to tell them again and again that they are loved and valuable, and that Jesus came to save them from their sin and brokenness.

We learned on Saturday that Sophia, who we have been praying for, gave birth to a baby last week. The child was taken into protective custody due to Sophia's mental illness and addiction. Please pray for her and for her baby.

We were able to talk to Rico who has a Bible and who is open to the gospel. Pray that he would come to faith and repentance. We also spent time with Mary, Gus and Kevin. Please pray that the seeds planted in these conversations would take root.

Evie spent time with Angie (below) who expressed a lot of thankfulness for our team being there. She talked about how hard her life is on the streets. Pray that the Lord would keep her safe and that she would find housing and the help she needs.

Brian (also pictured below) says that he reads his Bible, and we were able to have a good conversation with him.

The Dart Team reconnected with Hermon who recently got his driver's license. Evan shared information about a potential job and the necessary steps to take. Pat also offered to help him prepare a resume. Please pray that he would be able to find employment and a place to live.

Catherine spent time with Cory (second picture below) who shared that his mom died when he was very young. He has been faltering between sobriety and addiction for some time. Please pray that he would pursue going to the Bay Area Rescue Mission and that he would look to Jesus for help.

The Dart Team also spent time with Wanda, David, Lou and Peter. Please pray that the Lord would use these conversations to bring them to belief.

The Martinez Team reconnected with Marcus who was recently baptized. They encouraged him in his faith and talked about the next steps in his relationship with Christ. They also had a long conversation with Barbara. She asked us to pray for some medical tests she's having and for the healing of her feet.

The team was able to share the gospel and pray with Linda. In the past she has not been receptive to conversation, but she was willing to talk on Saturday and expressed appreciation afterward.

Please pray for Jonathan and for Raymond who received a Bible. A woman named Janet gratefully received a Bible, a blessing bag, and a flashlight. The team encouraged her to move to the Martinez camp where she would be safer as a single woman.

The simple act of sharing a cup of coffee and engaging in conversation shows our homeless friends that they have dignity and worth (pictured on right).

The North Concord Team was able to talk with Two Knives again (pictured below). He expressed a lot of anger at God for his struggles and physical issues. We are grateful for the frequent opportunities God is giving us to talk with him. Please continue to pray for him.

The friends of Two Knives, Mila and Jose, were not at the camp on Saturday. Our hope is that they were able to find jobs and housing, something we have been praying for.

Please pray for Roger who told us that he was born again and had attended Bible college. Unfortunately he does not have faith in the truth of scripture. Pray that the conversation with him would be used by God to restore his faith.

Garrett also met with Ricky (second picture below) who was able to articulate faith in Christ Jesus. Ricky shared that he can't see well out of one eye, and the team was able to give him glasses which prayerfully will help.

Please also pray for Brett and Ali who are seeking jobs and for Doug who asked for prayer for his safety.

We continue to raise funds to purchase a ministry RV. We will use this for bible studies, biblical addiction counseling, warm showers and other services at encampments. Please prayerfully consider contributing as you are led.

Thank you for your prayer for the ministry of Hope 680.

If you are interested in participating in our outreaches or supporting us financially, please click the link below.


September 3 Prayer Update


August 6 Prayer Update