August 6 Prayer Update

"I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.  So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.  The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building." 

I Corinthians 3:6-9

Each time the outreach team ventures into the homeless camps, seeds are being planted. They're planted when we talk with folks, share the love of Jesus, and provide for some of their physical needs. Over time, those seeds are watered and tended to, not just by us, but by other Christians who bring the truth and goodness of Christ to our homeless friends. It's exciting when we start to see some of those seeds starting to sprout, but they, like plants in our own gardens, need repeated watering and tending. They are "fertilized" through continued conversations and acts of kindness, and many times weeds of doubt and sin need to be uprooted by the truth that comes only through Christ and His Word.

We do this planting, watering and fertilizing as an act of faith and worship, trusting that God is at work. We trust that in time He will bring forth a bounty of transformed lives.

Outreach Teams

Central Concord, Dart, Martinez, and North Concord

The members of the Central Concord Team had the opportunity to talk to many folks they have met before. Please pray that these frequent encounters and conversations would be used by God to bring them to faith.

Our team met for the first time a man from China, but he spoke very little English. Despite the language barrier he was given a blessing bag and lunch -- a tangible expression of Jesus' love for him that can be given without words. Please pray that this encounter would plant a seed for him.

Evie also talked to Sean, a Muslim man from Iran who had many objections to Christianity. Please pray for more opportunities to show God's kindness to him and to share the truth of the gospel.

Please pray for Chris who has severe spinal issues and is hunched over and in a lot pain.

The Dart Team came across Jennifer (pictured below.) who had many cuts on her legs. The kindness and care our team showed her put her at ease and created the opportunity to talk to her about God's love and His desire to forgive her. Jennifer gratefully accepted a Bible and a Study. After talking with our team she declared that Jesus is Lord! These kind of declarations can quickly be snuffed out by the hard circumstances and addictions the homeless face each day. Please pray that she would truly believe and be empowered by God to repent of and overcome her addictions.

The Dart Team talked with Kimberly about the sinful conditions of all our hearts. Please pray that God would enable her to understand the bad news about her sinfulness and the glorious good news about God's acceptance and forgiveness available to her through Christ.

Pray also for Lou who is a believer that he would be able to get into the Bay Area Rescue Mission. Robby and Primo also talked to our team -- pray for the Lord to water the seeds that were planted!

We are praising God that members of the Martinez Team were able to have an introductory Bible study with Barbara on Saturday. Barbara, who is not familiar with the Bible at all, was lovingly shown the basics of Scripture: the old and new testaments; how to use the concordance; and where to find John 3:16 and the 10 Commandments. She also learned about prayer and what it means to have salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Please pray that she would experience the Lord lovingly leading her as she continues to explore and read. Pray also that she would come to faith and that others would join the study next time.

The team also met with Lisa who asked us to pray for her that she would be freed from her addiction to alcohol.

The North Concord Team had another opportunity to water and fertilize seeds planted in Two Knives' life (pictured below with Micah). Two Knives said that he has been asking God to show Himself to him, and our volunteer, Christian, told him that our being there, and talking to him was just what Two Knives had been asking for. God is at work in the man's heart! Please continue to pray for him.

We were so glad to see Kevin (pictured on right) again who professes to be a Christian. He has been working at McDonald's and was so happy to see us. He was glad to receive prayer and a booklet.

Sadly, we learned from him that his friend, Ron, whom we have met many times, died in an alcohol-related accident. We pray that he had come to faith before he died. It is a reminder of the urgency of the gospel message we are sharing!

We were also thankful to discuss with 'Matt' the power in Jesus to overcome addictions, including to drugs like Meth. Matt confessed his addiction and his struggle in overcoming it, even after various attempts at rehab. We were able to give Matt and others a copy of
'Cross Talking' by Mark E Shaw. We are trusting that the Lord would use this great little booklet, along with the Bible, to continue his work of salvation and freedom from addiction. We are purchasing more of these to give away in the future as tools on the road to recovery. Please pray for fruit from this.


We are continuing to raise funds to purchase a ministry RV. We will use this for bible studies, biblical addiction counseling, warm showers and other services at encampments. Please prayerfully consider contributing as you are led.

Thank you for your prayer for the ministry of Hope 680.

If you are interested in participating in our outreaches or supporting us financially, please click the link below.


August 20 Prayer Update


July 23 Prayer Update