September 3 Prayer Update

"In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it... This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God." (John 1:4; John 3:19-21)

Because Christ, through His Spirit, dwells in each believer, members of the Hope 680 team are bringing the light of Jesus Christ Himself into the homeless camps. That Light is either welcomed or repelled; enjoyed or despised. The Light brings reactions of joy or anger; faith or unbelief. As our team met with different individuals on Saturday, each of these reactions was seen. We pray that the kindness shown, the scriptures shared, and the prayers offered will be used by God to bring our homeless friends into the Light of Jesus Christ that they might know forgiveness and new life.

Outreach Teams

Top Row: Central Concord and Dart Teams
Bottom Row: Martinez and North Concord Teams

One of the first people the Central Concord Team met on Saturday was Tammy (pictured above). She had an immediate reaction of anger, and she wanted no part of any conversation about Jesus Christ. Please pray that despite her objections, our team would have future opportunities to show her the kindness and love of Jesus Christ, and that by His Spirit, her heart would be softened and her eyes opened to Jesus Christ.

There were others there whom we have met many times before that were glad to see us and welcomed us. One of them was Anthony who shared with us that he has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Please pray for him as he seeks treatment and applies for government assisted health care.

We also met Tom who had a severely broken toe. Our team was able to assist him and give him some first aid supplies.

Several of our friends expressed interest in participating in a Bible study next week. Please pray that we would be able to gather them up again next Saturday and sit down over God's word. Pray for Brian and Lorraine, Rico and Sally, and Robert, who all expressed an interest.

On Saturday, Mari, who was on the Dart Team, spent time talking to Bob (pictured below) who has very bad eyesight. She was able to set up a Bible app on his phone so that he could listen to Scriptures being read. Unfortunately Bob doesn't suffer from physical blindness alone. He is spiritually blind as well, and when our team talked to him about his sin of drug use and his need for Christ's forgiveness, he became very angry. He confessed to robbing a bank because he wanted to be arrested and do jail time to get 3 meals a day! Despite his reactions, he witnessed kindness and love. Pray that God would use this encounter to bring him to faith and repentance.

Please pray for Lorraine who expressed great confidence in her own good works and life rather than the finished work of Christ on the cross.

Pray too, for Casey, Rudy and Sandra who were severely confused from mental illness and drug use. All three accepted Bibles from our team.

The Martinez Team met Bo for the first time on Saturday (pictured below.) Bo was very emotional about losing custody of his three-old daughter, Lilly. He accepted prayer and a Bible, and Evie was able to help him look up John 3:16. Pray that these hard events and consequences in his life would bring him to faith and repentance.

The team also met with Benjamin. Although he said that he wasn't a Christian, he accepted a Bible and prayer.

Please pray for Robert who was highly confused, and continue to pray for Linda whom we met last week. (She lives in the tent surrounded with all the beads and decorations. )

The North Concord Team had the opportunity to see James again. James has been homeless for over 3 1/2 years and suffers from severe anger. Jean, who attended an SDA Church in the past, suffers from deep depression. Please pray for both of them -- only Jesus Christ can heal their woundedness and bring restoration.

The team also saw Alex again. Alex used to be a youth pastor. He told our team that he hasn't been using drugs and has been reading his Bible. We are praying that this is true and that God continues to work in his heart and will.

The team had opportunity to visit Two Knives again and then spent time with Kelly, who accepted a Bible, and Cyprus who, like so many, is relying on his own works in order to be accepted by God. Once again, we pray that the light of the Gospel would be seen, understood and believed.

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Thank you for your prayer for the ministry of Hope 680.

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October Combined Prayer Update


August 20 Prayer Update