Aug 17th Prayer Update
“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.”
This world is not our home but God blesses us greatly by providing us as individuals with homes. Even though the homeless in our area don't have traditional places to live, they often find a part of town that becomes familiar and where there is a sense of attachment. Many of our homeless friends are facing an order from various cities to vacate their spots this week. We pray for them as they are considering where to settle. We pray that in their fear, and uncertainty that they would turn to Jesus for help, first in repentance. We continually pray they find satisfaction in Christ rather than in substances. We pray for hearts of transformation by God's word. We pray that we will stay faithful to the gospel and faithful to serve the homeless with compassion and truth.
Janae (left) is 25 years old. She shared with our team that she has a Christian upbringing. Our team gave her food and water and entered into a gospel conversation. She opened up about family struggles and struggles with faith. By the end of our time, she told our team she is willing to consider exploring gospel truth. We earnestly pray for her safety on the streets and that she would consider entering the Bay Area Rescue Mission program for women.
In the photo an elaborate living situation has behind constructed by Danielle and her partner Chris. The couple told our team that the city of Martinez has put up notices to evict them from the hillside. By the time you read this, the eviction will have likely occurred. Lately, there have been several fires on that hill, and this is the city's solution to prevent future fires. Those living on that hillside are rather discouraged and don't know where they are going to go next. We pray that this shake-up of their routine will be used by God to draw them to call out to the Father for help and find salvation in their time of need. Please pray with us that we can continue to connect and share the gospel with them.
We approached Cindy (left) and Jeff (right) sitting in the park.
Jeff is someone we've interacted with several times before and resists discussing Jesus with us. Nevertheless, he is always appreciative of the food that is offered to him.
Cindy was open to having a gospel conversation after receiving some food, hot coffee, as well as a blessing bag. The team offered her a large print Bible which she declined. However, she did take a pocket New Testament.
Our team leader Bob (left) has built a great rapport with Nacho (right). He may in fact be a partner in the gospel we've encountered during our outreaches. Though he doesn't speak English and we are unsure how much he understands, he is always extremely friendly and helpful. When he sees our team he helps to direct us to the homeless or brings them to us so they can receive food and Bibles.
We have been able to learn some about Nacho when our team has a Spanish speaker to assist. In the past he has told us he has some medical issues and is unable to work. He lives with his mother and brother. He has said he is trying to follow the Lord and share with the homeless. He offered a suggestion to include dates with the items we distribute such as sandwiches and supplies to help people see our consistency. Some homeless are upset with Nacho, since he does not engage in the use drugs or alcohol. Nevertheless, he continues to help them as he is able.
Our team spent significant time with Roy. He shared that all of his belongings were recently stolen. We were thankful to be able to offer him a sleeping bag, which he accepted. He was also very appreciative of the lunch and hot coffee. He ate the lunch immediately and listened to the gospel presentation. They also offered him a Bible. Our team was thankful to be able to be a blessing to Roy.
Pray for these individuals who took Bibles or previously received a Bible. We ask that you pray that they would read the Bibles provided.
Anthony - who has now participated in five RV Bible studies
Andrew - very depressed about his imminent eviction from his hill encampment
Mario - Hoping to move to Vallejo
Cindy - accepted a small Bible
Pray for these people who were friendly but declined Bibles. We pray that they will be more open on our next outreach.
Chris - makes an income gathering recycling
Pray for these people who were closed to a conversation that God would work to soften their hearts before our next outreach.
We love finding partners who share the gospel during our outreaches. This is Rich (left). He isn't homeless but has a heart for the homeless community, specifically those trapped in drug addiction. When we connect with him we usually provide him with several of our addiction booklets which he also distributes to those he is ministering to. We also offered him two large print Bibles, and two pocket New Testaments to distribute as well. We are thankful for Rich and pray as God uses him to share the gospel with the lost in Martinez.
Our Next Outreach is September 7th 2024
Please consider serving during a Saturday Outreach in one of the following ways:
1) Prepare Lunches
2) Serving at the Homeless Camps
3) Volunteer Breakfast
4) Cookies for Volunteers
Our ministry is a labor of love with the main purpose of providing gospel hope through practical means to the homeless. Thank you for serving alongside of us!
We continue to pray for those who might be able to contribute a small additional monthly gift of $25 or $50 a month to help with ongoing Hope680 expenses, including our ministry supplies, offices, and RV maintenance. We are trusting God to continue to provide through you!
FYI Our Executive Staff and Leaders (including Toby and all team leaders) are unpaid volunteers - all donations go 100% towards the running of Hope680, including administrative contractors, our facilities, and RV maintenance costs, as well as ministry supplies.