February 15th Prayer Update
“Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored, as happened among you.”
Thank you for your faithful prayers for our ministry. The Lord was kind to raise up new volunteers who graciously provided additional bagged lunches needed for us to distribute on this last outreach. Social media posts we've made have brought new people to serve alongside of us for which we are grateful. The food and coffee we are able to offer continue to open doors for gospel presentation to those who are cold and hungry. There were approximately 35 volunteers divided into six teams this last Saturday.
Reminder! Save the date for our third annual Hope680 Walkathon. This year we'll be hosting the Walkathon on April 26th in a new location, at the Lafayette Reservoir. We are excited to be able to continue to grow this event and make it even more stroller-friendly than in past years. Registration will open on March 1st.
Victor (left) said he has a Catholic upbringing and while open to a gospel conversation expressed that he didn't have a fear of hell. Our team leader Garrett through the scriptures gave evidence for the punishment of our sins and the need to take that seriously before a Holy God. The team offered to lead him in a future RV Bible Study. Please pray that Victor answers his phone when we try to connect with him and that God would free him concerning his struggle with substance abuse.
When we approached Buddy he was asleep. Buddy is a gentleman we've never met before. The team spent significant time with Buddy and offered him a sleeping bag and an abundance of supplies in an effort to build a connection and have further ministry opportunities with Buddy. He was shown the genuine love of Christ through what was provided. Please pray with us that God uses our first encounter with Buddy to plant good seeds of the gospel.
Our team made another exploratory trip to Livermore. They were investigating places to visit when they saw a small tarp peaking around the corner and decided to approach. They found an older homeless lady laying on the ground crying behind a department store. She was crying in pain and after being there the entire night was unable to get off the ground and back into her wheelchair. She introduced herself as Sherry and appeared to be around 80 years old, although life on the street tends to age people faster. She was wet from her night on the ground as well as hungry and cold. The team provided her with two full changes of clothes, multiple meals and several hot cups of coffee as well as a tent to help her warm up.
In conversation with Sherry she expressed anger at God due to being estranged from her daughter. The team let Sherry know that God loves her and He has not forgotten her. She started crying and was excited to receive a Bible.
Incidents like these are challenging and give us more of an impetus to continue this ministry. We believe the providence of God ordained that we would be there to assist Sherry. We offered and she declined to have us call for an ambulance for her back. Join us in praying for her.
In Martinez, we found three people in the park picnic area and had significant conversations with all of them individually. Our team members had an opportunity to listen, present the gospel and pray for those encountered there. Please pray with us for them to recognize their need for repentance and salvation and that we will have future opportunities to connect with them.
The Vallejo team met Saul, who lives with his girlfriend Barbara. He has a superficial belief in God without an understanding of the gospel. The team had the opportunity to present Saul with that message and explain to him his need to believe in Christ. Saul was attentive to our explanation. He was offered clothing, food, and a blessing bag which he gratefully received. He expressed an interest in learning more and the team invited him to participate in a future RV Bible Study. Please pray this relationship would result in salvation for Saul.
Please pray these individuals read the Bibles they received.
Roy - a deaf man
Angel - Spanish language Bible
Chrissy "Dimples"
Pray for these people who were friendly but declined Bibles. We pray that they will be more open on our next outreach.
Ricky - best conversation we've had with him
Maya - Encouraged her and prayed for her
Daisy - Pray that she would be open to changing her ideas about the Bible
Chervoni - our nurse treated his hand injury
Judy - asked for prayer for her family
Shahere - offered him a tent
Pray for these people who were closed to conversation, that God would soften their hearts before our next outreach.
Our Next Outreach is March 1st 2025
Please consider serving during a Saturday Outreach in one of the following ways:
1) Prepare Lunches
2) Evangelism at the Homeless Camps
3) Volunteer Breakfast
4) Cookies for Volunteers
Our ministry is a labor of love with the main purpose of providing gospel hope through practical means to the homeless. Thank you for serving alongside of us!
We continue to pray for those who might be able to contribute a small additional monthly gift of $25 or $50 a month to help with ongoing Hope680 expenses, including our ministry supplies, offices, and RV maintenance. We are trusting God to continue to provide through you!
FYI Our Executive Staff and Leaders (including Toby and all team leaders) are unpaid volunteers - all donations go 100% towards the running of Hope680, including administrative contractors, our facilities, and RV maintenance costs, as well as ministry supplies.