Walk-a-thon details

Saturday January 28th

Saturday January 28th at 9:00am (arrive at 8:30am)

The Pavilion Picnic Area at Martinez Waterfront Park off of North Court Street

Easy Signup - Do it all online! 

Bring the Family and be a part of the Fun! 

Hot Coffee and Breakfast Provided 

How to get started… 

Easy Sign up:  

1) Click ‘Register as a Walker’ and create your 'Fundraise Up’ page  (Please register prior to Jan 16th so we can get an accurate count for breakfast)

2) Contact friends and family for support! Spread the Word - invite a friend to be a walker with you! We have a printable flier available HERE

3) Mark January 28th on your Calendar to come join us for the Big Day! 

 Day of Walk

1) Arrive at the Walk location by 8:30am and Check in at the Registration Table 

2) Enjoy the fellowship of other supporters until 9:00AM when our walk will begin 

3) Walk the pre-marked two mile course, grab a hot cup of coffee and enjoy knowing that we have raised money for gospel work 

If you are unable to join us on the day of the Walk or would rather walk at home, your pledges will still make a HUGE difference in the lives of others! We truly appreciate your participation. The Walk-a-thon helps raise funds so we can offer gospel hope and practical help to the homeless in the 680 corridor through a mobile ministry vehicle. Thank you for your partnership! 


Take Ferry Street across the Amtrak tracks, turn right on Joe Dimaggio Drive then left onto North Court Street

Head to the Pavilion Picnic Area at Martinez Waterfront Park off of North Court Street 

Our parking lot is next to Eagle Marine at 245 North Court Street Martinez CA

The Route

Our walk route begins at the Waterfront Park promptly at 9:00am. Please arrive at 8:30 and check in. Our Walk route will be marked.

The route is 2.19 miles

45-60 minute walk



“Who do I ask to sponsor me?”  

Everyone you know! Co-workers, boss, parents, siblings, cousins, (even out of town family!) friends at church, clubs, neighbors, etc. Try using your Facebook page! You will be amazed at how many people say ‘YES!” 

“Do I have to collect the money?” 

Your custom Fundraise Up online page makes it easy to handle the money issue. Simply direct your supporters to your personalized page and they can give online.

“When is the registration deadline?”

We need all walkers registered prior to Monday, January 16th for an accurate headcount for Nations Breakfast.

Print this flier and add your link or QR code so you can gather more support! Email amy@hope680.org if you would like this flier personalized with your fundraising QR code

Need Help? Watch our walk-through video on how to register and share your fundraising link

Please feel free to contact our Admin Amy with additional questions: amy@hope680.org