May 7 Prayer Update

God Has Not Forgotten Them

One of the highlights at Saturday's outreach was sharing the gospel and praying with Gino and Amy. When we took a photo of them, we realized they had no photos of them together as a couple. Catherine later printed and framed the photo and gave it to them. They were just thrilled!

Scripture reminds us in 1John 3:18 to "not to love in word or talk but in deed and in truth" it is through our love that will help people to see the truth of Who Jesus is and His love for them!


Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved. (Acts 2:12) 

At Saturday's outreach the denial of this truth came up frequently in the conversations our team was having with our homeless friends.  The Name of Jesus seldom has a neutral reaction from those who hear either brings comfort or fear; peace or anger; belief or rejection.

Please pray that God would bring the men and women in the camps to faith in His Son Jesus -- it is only through Him that they will receive life, forgiveness, and power to turn away from their sin.

Central Concord Team Requests

  • Please pray for Sarah who is separated and estranged from her kids who live with their grandparents in New York.

  • Pray for Ricky who is confident that he is a Christian. Pray that he would want to live in congruity with his faith.

  • Pray for Sophia who we also met two weeks ago. She is recovering from injuries to her face.

  • Pray for Lorraine who accepted a Bible and reading glasses.

  • Pray for Jimmy that he would come to faith in Jesus and turn away from his desire for drugs.

  • Please also pray for Darren, Rico, Jessica and Rico.

Martinez Team Prayer Requests

  • Pray for Seebu that he would continue to read his Bible and that he would see and believe the truth. He also expressed interest in having Bible studies with other homeless individuals.

  • Andy, who we have talked to on many different occasions, is still struggling with anger. Please pray that he would forgive and that he would continue to read and believe his Bible.

  • Pray for Sean who expressed difficulty believing in God after seeing tragic things happen.

  • Pray for Denise that her desire for help and recovery would outweigh her desire for drugs and unhealthy relationships.

Jim spends some time talking with Beth and her dog, Lena

North Concord Team Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Gary who lost his mother to leukemia. He had drugs with him when he was speaking to our volunteer.

  • Please pray for Moses who angrily and profanely protested the deity of Christ and the reality of sin. Cisco is another individual who denies the deity of Jesus.

  • Pray for Sean who accepted a Bible from our team but spoke about his belief in reincarnation. Pray that he would read and believe the Bible passages that were discussed with him.

  • Please pray for Deanne who didn't want to talk to our team and another woman who accepted a Bible but didn't want to talk.

Please pray for Moses who vehemently denies the deity of Christ.

Concord Dart Team Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Bam. Although he accepted a Bible, his response to our team was quite harsh.

  • Pray for Alexander who is searching for employment. Our team has had many conversations with him in the past. Pray that He would come to faith.

  • Pray for Amy who was under the influence of drugs when we were talking with her.

  • Pray for Gino and Amy. The conversations we had with them were very good. They grew up Baptist, and they accepted a Bible from our volunteers.

Hope 680 is pursuing the purchase of an RV to assist our ministry to the homeless!

The purchase of an RV for our ministry will enable our teams to:

  • Meet the homeless where they are located

  • Offer the additional blessings of a hot shower and clean clothes to those who participate in the study of God’s Word

  • Provide safe access to biblical addiction counseling and opportunities for Bible studies.


We need more volunteers to sign up to make lunches for the homeless and to join our outreaches. Please prayerfully consider joining us in the next few months.

Sign Up!

May 21 Prayer Update


April 16 Prayer Update