January 20th Prayer Update
“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”
It's hard to believe that we are already at the end of January. We had a great group of volunteers and thankful to all those who braved the rain and mud to share the gospel with the homeless for our first outreach of 2024. May the seeds of the gospel find good soil. Please pray with us for good Bible study candidates for our RV ministry this year!
Please prayerfully consider joining us for our Hope680 Walk-a-thon Fundraiser. The registration opens Feb 1st.
Join us for our Second Annual Walk-a-thon on March 9th 2024. This is a whole family event. We are praying that God would provide 100 walkers to join us as we raise additional funds for the ministry of Hope680. We will be providing hot coffee and breakfast for all registered participants. Registration opens on February 1st. We have a deadline of February 24th so that we can plan adequate food.
North Concord Team
Our team in North Concord met a couple Joe and Cheryl. Both were resistant to the gospel but Cheryl was polite and willing to take an 'Our Daily Bread' devotional, some sandwiches, and blessing bags.
Rhiannon was very emotional when our team approached for several reasons: she was walking in the cold and rain without any shoes. In addition, the vehicle she was living in was recently towed for having an expired registration. Our team gave her items that we had on hand.
Josh was very pleasant letting the team know he was raised in a Methodist church. He accepted all that was offered including a Bible. We told him to begin reading from the book of John. He says when he has time he will read it. Please pray he follows through. He requested prayer to get the ignition part replaced on his vehicle.
Theone, Josh's mother asked prayer to find a notary to help with an insurance settlement. Josh said she is not a believer having lost hope after his father left her. She did receive the "Our Daily Bread" pamphlet.
Nicole (pictured above) told our team that she lives in a local shelter with her 6-month-old baby boy, whom she had with her in the car. Having a baby was her motivation to get sober. She asked great questions about the Trinity, is interested in doing a Bible study with us in the future. We took down her number and hope to connect with her soon.
We met Jason on Saturday. He explains that he used to go to church/catechism/youth group but at 17 years old he was kicked out due to his behavior. He also says he doesn't want to give up his drug habit and it was evident he was on or coming off a drug that morning.
JR is someone we've seen in the past and didn't look very good stating he is using ‘less drugs than normal.’ He asked for prayer that he be reconnected with his 22-year-old son who lives in Illinois and for help to be free of his drug addiction. Though he claims to believe the gospel, he was unable to articulate it. This opened the conversation for a very clear presentation. He asked that the sheriffs who visited him recently would work with him to get housing.
Jennifer said she believes the gospel and is also trying to get into a program in Pittsburg. She said she has two daughters, a nine-year-old and a twelve-year-old. She wants to be in their life again but she needs to be free from her drug use. Our team prayed with her and offered her some supplies.
Please also be praying for Jason, Lee, and Dominic.
Central Concord
The first interaction the Central Concord team had was with Terry (pictured above, right). They found her sleeping on the ground under a tarp. She asked for prayer for an upcoming doctor's appointment. She was very receptive the the gospel conversation and took a Bible when it was offered.
We've spoken to Aaron before. He is memorable because he always stays in his tent and our team has never seen his face. He also has a mean dog he uses for protection. Whenever our team offers him something he only unzips a little and sticks his hand out to receive items. He is a man in his 60s and asked prayer for health.
Leanne was wearing a security jacket when we approached. She told our team that she wasn't a security guard but was waiting for her daughter to come and pick her up. Leanne took a Bible and says she believes in God. It’s our prayer she will read it.
The last time we met Wanda (pictured above, left) we found her lying on the ground. We were thankful to see her up and mobile with a walker. She says she lives with a younger man named Tray who helps to look out for her. It was good to have a conversation with Wanda and continue building our relationship with her.
Please lift Donald in prayer. He was very conversational with our team and told us that he believes in Christ but is struggling with faith due to his circumstances. He declined the team’s offer to pray with him, but read from a Latin translation of the Bible that he had with him. Pray with us to continue demonstrating the love of Christ to him.
Our Spanish volunteer Olga was able to have a brief conversation with a group of three Spanish speaking men. They all accepted coffee and supplies including Spanish language Bibles which they were encouraged to read, though they didn't have a very deep conversation. Please pray for Manu, Hector, and Jose.
Pittsburg Antioch Team:
Oreos saved the day last Saturday. Our team approached two rather large intimidating homeless men whose expressions were far from open or inviting. The moment our team offered them Oreos their demeanor completely changed. They both got very happy and excited. The Oreos opened the door to softened hearts and requests for prayer. Keith asked prayer for a job that would not be too hard on his knees. Eric asked for prayer to help with an upcoming court case. Our team prayed with them, and left them with a Bible. The team were grateful for what a little kindness and a special treat can do in our gospel efforts.
We've talked to Steve on at least eight occasions. He has a friendly dog named Reggi. He tells our team he is a believer, has a Bible, and is in a Bible study there in Martinez. When our team quizzed him on what things he was studying he had trouble remembering or answering specifics. It’s hard to discern how deep his faith is, or his understanding. We desire to continue to build a relationship with Steve and look forward to our future conversations.
Johanna told our group that she is from Florida. She drove out from Florida and has been living in her car ever since. She shared that she grew up in a Christian family and that her Dad is a minister. She also told our team that she has two Master's degrees and that she is looking for work. Our team gave her information about the Bay Area Rescue Mission so she can have a place to stay and we prayed for her to find employment.
We found Fred living in his van. He was happy to take the things offered to him. He only seemed interested in talking about his Eastern mysticism beliefs and thoughts about gurus. When the team tried to engage him about sin, he said that he doesn't believe in sin. He accepted a flyer called 'What is the gospel.' We pray he reads it and that God will bring conviction.
Rich is a former military man who told our team he isn't homeless though he had a bunch of things in his car. Rich mentioned he has a friend who struggles with drugs and happily took a free from addiction booklet to pass along. When we offered to pray for Rich he didn't share any specific requests. Please pray with us that Rich might open his heart to the gospel as we have continued conversations with him.
Our last stop was to the shelter in Concord where the team was able to hand out the remainder of the food we brought out. We have a desire to pursue the shelter as a place to offer Bible studies. Please pray with us if it is the Lord's will that God would open the door for us?
Pittsburg Antioch Team
Victor (pictured above) is someone we've ministered to many times. Victor openly shares he has a drug problem. Our team opened the Bible and shared with him from Matthew 11 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." He told us he has a son with whom he argues. He is interested in engaging in a Bible study and we communicated we would happily sit down with him if he commits to being sober. Join us in prayer for Victor to break free from his drug use and for him to recognize his need for salvation through faith alone.
Lawnda didn’t want to talk with us yet requested prayer to get off the streets. She said she hasn’t prayed since her grandson died last year. She also shared that she is grieving the loss of another friend who died more recently. She accepted the blessing bag we offered and it’s our prayer she reads the gospel tract enclosed.
Patricia is a 42-year-old woman who shared that someone recently stole her truck. She was upset because she has a desire to visit her 22-year-old daughter in Washington who struggles with depression and anxiety. She had some knowledge of the Bible and we prayed for her that God would provide a way for her to visit her daughter.
Issy shared that he has been on the streets since the age of 18. He is currently 46. He told our team that he goes to a local church in the area. After accepting coffee and sandwiches, he said he was concerned that his girlfriend who recently received a $4,000 tax rebate is spending it all on alcohol. Please pray with us for these two individuals to recognize their need for God and freedom from that which enslaves them.
Barry accepted a large print Bible from our team. When the gospel was shared he told our team that he would have to think on it. We pray that God would open his eyes to his need for a savior.
Bobby is an addict who has been on the street for 20 years. He is estranged from his father, told us his mother had passed away and that his kids are gone. His prayer request was that he would be able to be free from his addiction and find a job.
Duana (pictured above) willingly took a Bible and a blessing bag. She shared that she used to be a paralegal and has a desire to be a paralegal again and get her life back on track. We pray for her and her relationship with her five kids and that she will lean on the resources available to her for help.
Please also pray for Leroy and Anthony.
Our Next Outreach is February 3rd 2024
Please consider serving during a Saturday Outreach in one of the following ways:
1) Prepare Lunches
2) Serving at the Homeless Camps
3) Volunteer Breakfast
4) Cookies for Volunteers
Our ministry is a labor of love with the main purpose of providing gospel hope through practical means to the homeless. Thank you for serving alongside of us!
Thank you again for standing with us in prayer! And a special thank you to the people who are generous to supply the food and coffee that we distribute.