February 17th Prayer Update
““How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!’ ”
It was raining during our last outreach on Saturday, February 17th. We find that usually means many of the homeless can be hesitant to come out of their tents, so we generally see fewer people. We prayed in advance that we would have more significant conversations with those we did speak to. God was kind to provide several great gospel conversations. Thank you for your faithfulness to lift the homeless of Contra Costa County up to the Lord in prayer.
We have a pressing need for more lunch and snack sign-ups for our Outreach Saturdays. If you have the ability, please consider signing up to make 20 bagged lunches for one of our upcoming outreaches. We also have a need for more donations of water bottles. We are praying that the Lord will provide 24 cases of water for us to distribute during our outreach events. If you are willing to donate water please let us know!
We are now less than 3 weeks away from our Second Annual Walk-a-thon on March 9th 2024. This is a whole family event. Our prayer that God would provide 100 walkers to join us as we raise additional funds for the ministry of Hope680. We will be providing hot coffee and breakfast for all registered participants. Registration is open! The deadline to register is now March 1st.
North Concord Team
The North Concord team interacted with over 11 people despite the inclement weather. The team struggled to have focused conversations with those encountered. We connected with several people we've had long-term relationships with, like Granville, Ricky, and Steve. We continue to pray God would open their eyes to their need for a savior.
George (pictured above left) lives in an encampment near Heather, who has participated in multiple Bible studies on our Hope680 RV. In this case, the team had a good conversation with George about the gospel. He expressed an interest in participating in a Bible study along with Heather. We are thankful for opportunities to build relationships like these. Pray with us that George can participate in a Bible study soon.
David (pictured in the unique wood structure above) said he has a couple of kids that are on his mind and asked for prayer for them. In our conversation with David he expressed the thought that all religions get a person to god. The team opened the word with David so they could direct him to what the scripture says about Jesus being the way, truth, and life. He was happy to see our team and gladly accepted coffee and food.
When the team spoke with Nick his mind was occupied with the recent passing of his father. He politely listened to the whole gospel presentation but told our team he wasn't ready to commit. We were encouraged that as the team was walking away, Nick was reading the gospel tract left with him. We pray that it reinforces the truth of the gospel and that the Lord will use it to draw Nick to genuine salvation.
Andre has a church background and attended a Christian school but it seems like his understanding of the Bible is clouded with new-age beliefs. The team worked to redirect his thinking to what the Bible says.
Nicole reminded the team that she still has an interest in doing a Bible study. You'll remember that Nicole was the younger woman with a baby that we ministered to on our last outreach. We continue to encourage her to seek out assistance from the Bay Area Rescue Mission.
Theone continues to request prayer that she can locate a notary and find the funds to process a much needed transition. She also asked for prayer for her son Josh who is also homeless. She desires that they have a stronger relationship. Unfortunately, Theone wasn't open to a gospel conversation or information about church. We pray that God gives us more opportunities to share with Theone in the future.
Please also pray for JR, Kelly, and Max.
Central Concord
The outreach in Central Concord started with quite a bit of driving around as the team struggled to find folks to connect with. The Lord helped to guide their path to several who were very appreciative of the supplies and those they could have decent conversations with.
We had recently provided Anthony with a prepaid phone so we could connect with him and schedule additional RV Bible studies with him. Anthony was able to get a phone of his own so he returned our prepaid phone to us and gave us his updated phone number. He shared that he was back in the hospital recently as he continues to struggle with congestive heart failure. He told our team he experienced a recent heart attack and had a prolonged hospital stay. He is now on a medication that makes him feel sick but he was in good spirits despite this big setback. He is still interested in communicating and doing future Bible studies. We continue to impress upon Anthony that with all of his health issues, he should not delay in committing his life to the Lord.
Nacho encamps at Civic Center and though he doesn't speak any English he is one of the friendliest guys in the world and it is always nice to see him. We would love to be able to have more in-depth gospel conversations with Nacho or have the opportunity to study God's word with him in Spanish.
Serika (pictured above, left) is a young woman whom we met two weeks ago. We found her just sitting outside in the rain, with a blanket and a coat. The team was able to have a decent conversation with her, and she seemed to be in good spirits.
Please continue to pray for those staying in an encampment in Central Concord. There were those closed to a gospel conversation and others seemingly too shy to talk with our team. Please pray for Donald, Wanda, Tray, Joe, Brian, Joshua, Chico, Breno, Cynthia, and lastly an unnamed woman with some serious mental problems. We desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus as we show love and compassion to those God has created in His image.
Martinez Team:
Steve was at his usual spot with his dog Reggie. Steve continues to affirm he is a Christian telling our team he reads his Bible and attends an outdoor church hosted in the park. He does express a desire to find permanent shelter. Steve seems to have a strained relationship with his wife. Steve sleeps outside on a cot while his wife Jackie sleeps in their vehicle nearby. Steve is always friendly but his wife Jackie is much more closed to our team. She doesn't accept our offer for coffee or food and doesn't open her car door to engage us in conversation. Please be praying for both of them.
Ray has a young pit bull named Cowboy. Cowboy was wearing a little 49ers dog jacket and it was an excellent conversation starter. Ray shared his son died recently in a skateboard accident. The team prayed for him as he grieves that recent loss. Ray told our team that he also attends the local outdoor church. We took down his phone number in hopes of offering Ray a Bible study in the future. He seemed open to the study but not overly excited.
Our team goes way back with Ron. They remember Ron from the old Martinez encampment that was shut down last Spring. Ron was on a bike riding around, stopped to receive food, asked for prayer for 'guidance,' and then peddled away.
Rich is a gentleman who may not be homeless. He drives his car out to the Marina and spends his days in the park. We've talked to him before and he continues to tell our team that he is a Christian and reads the Bible. He generally asks for prayer for a friend who is on drugs. We've given him a freedom from addiction booklet in the past. On this occasion we gave him another as well as offering prayer for his friend. Regardless of his living situation, we are thankful to be able to minister to the souls that God puts in our path.
Please also pray for Michelle and DeAndre who accepted food and blessing bags but didn't want to have a conversation with our team.
RV Team
The RV team had an appointment with Terrance. Despite confirming with Terrance the afternoon before, he claimed that he had forgotten and declined to join us for that Bible study. The Bible study team quickly adjusted to seeking out homeless nearby to present the gospel and offer coffee and supplies. God blessed their efforts with good conversations.
We found Tess with a pet bunny in her tent. She told our team she is ‘trying to be more spiritual.' She engaged with us in a good conversation about what the Bible says about man's attempt to be good. The conversation ended with prayer for her jaw pain and her salvation. During our entire gospel conversation, Tony was listening intently. We pray for them both that the gospel message will bring them to saving faith.
One of the team's deepest conversations of the morning was with Amy. They discussed topics with her like heaven and hell, and the person of God. She asked good questions about sin and even though she has lots of doubts she seems genuinely interested in studying the Bible with us to get some of her questions answered. She recently lost her Mom and shared that she has been struggling with anger towards God. Please pray that God would help us connect with Amy and do a Bible study soon.
Jeff was in a tent with his wife who struggles with pancreatitis. Jeff shared that he was raised Catholic and was very entrenched in his beliefs. He believed his sins could be forgiven if he would go to "confession" but he never did that. The team shared the gospel with him but he didn't seem interested. We tried to leave him with the Biblical picture of what hell really is we pray those thoughts were sobering giving Jeff some urgency in needing to be right with God.
Brian had a Bible in his hand that we had given him during a previous outreach. He says he is a believer and seems to have a basic understanding of the gospel. He was freezing cold and shivering when we first approached. We offered him the supplies that we had to help him warm up including a tent. He expressed excitement about studying the Bible with us.
Marian wouldn't come out of her tent but was still willing to have a conversation with our team and share her prayer requests for provision. She mentioned she had a Catholic upbringing.
Please also pray for Mya, Gus, Sal, Jesus, and Archer.
Vallejo Team
The team was stunned by the massive homeless community in Vallejo that they found on the last outreach and decided to return. They only had time and supplies to visit two large encampments but they had several good conversations. All of those they met were eager to receive the jackets that our team offered them. These four individuals listed below represent just a few of the conversations that God provided.
John Garcia told our team he owns several translations of the Bible but that he doesn't attend church. We encouraged him to find a fellowship of believers and we gave him the information for a local church that preaches the gospel. We ended with prayer and took down his phone number.
John has been homeless for over 20 years. He is currently working with a case worker to get him off the street. The team gave him the contact information for the Bay Area Rescue Mission.
Sean seemed more interested in all the items that we could offer but he was polite in listening to the gospel presentation. He shared he believes in many gods and all gods. The team focused on scriptures that communicate Jesus is the only way. Sean received a full and clear gospel presentation so we leave the end result to the Holy Spirit to work in Sean's heart and save him.
Jasmine is pregnant and living in a car with her boyfriend, Juan. She admitted to being a drug addict and having other children that she no longer has contact with. She has a desire to get to Vacaville and the team gave her information for Christ Church of Vacaville. She wasn't open to having a deep conversation with our team but accepted food, prayer, and a jacket.
Our Next Outreach is March 2nd 2024
Please consider serving during a Saturday Outreach in one of the following ways:
1) Prepare Lunches
2) Serving at the Homeless Camps
3) Volunteer Breakfast
4) Cookies for Volunteers
Our ministry is a labor of love with the main purpose of providing gospel hope through practical means to the homeless. Thank you for serving alongside of us!
We continue to pray for those who might be able to contribute a small additional monthly gift of $25 or $50 a month to help with ongoing Hope680 expenses, including our ministry supplies, offices, and RV maintenance. We are trusting God to continue to provide through you!
FYI Our Executive Staff and Leaders (including Toby and all team leaders) are unpaid volunteers - all donations go 100% towards the running of Hope680, including administrative contractors, our facilities, and RV maintenance costs, as well as ministry supplies.