April 20th Prayer Update
“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.””
We had a packed house during this last outreach and were thankful for many who took part in this gospel ministry. We are also thankful for those who filled the need for lunches to be distributed as part of our outreach. This has continued to be one of the biggest tools for gospel conversations. It can be very difficult to engage someone in meaningful conversation when they are too hungry to focus. A huge thank you to those of you who serve our ministry in this way.
We are also thankful for the participation of those from Tabernacle Baptist Church. It's an encouragement and blessing to see other gospel-preaching churches join us and have the opportunity to serve the Lord with all brothers and sisters in Christ. If you haven't joined us in an outreach and you would like to, we would love to serve with you!
Please put May 17th on your calendar! It's time for us to gather more supplies to build another 600 blessing bags to get us through the next season of ministry. Help us spread the word so that we can fill all the slots on our sign-up. For those desiring to help us pack the bags, that will be happening on Sunday, May 26th.
Martinez Team
The Martinez team began their outreach by visiting with Steve at the Martinez Marina. We've shared about Steve previously. He tends to be standoffish. He accepts food and general prayer. Steve says he has a Bible and reads it though it's still unclear if he is a believer. His wife wants nothing to do with us and tells us to stay away. He has been willing to listen and receive prayer. Please pray God will open his eyes to salvation and soften the heart of Steve's wife.
The team had an extensive conversation with Ray though his thoughts and ideas were scattered. The team shared favorite songs with Ray and they sang 'How great thou Art' and 'Majesty.' This might be our first musical outreach to date in Martinez. Ray lives in his car with another individual so the team offered him supplies for two and through their prayers shared the gospel with him. We are hopeful that seeds were planted and they take root in Ray's life.
Rich was eager to share a success story with our team. Many weeks ago he asked for an addiction booklet for a friend. He believes his friend is now in rehab because of the generosity of our ministry. Rich said he offered the booklet to Lisa who was unwilling to accept it so it was offered to Lisa's mother who did read it. Upon completing the booklet she strongly suggested her daughter read it which she did and subsequently with family help Lisa entered a recovery program in Santa Barbara. Rich was thankful and upbeat and requested another copy of the book for distribution. We are thankful for God's work in Lisa's life through her friend Rich.
Last time we saw Andrew he had swollen legs needing a doctor's intervention. His legs were not improved on this occasion. The team encouraged him to seek medical help. Andrew has some fear he will be confined if he goes to the hospital and would rather not run the risk. The team prayed for his legs, his health, and again offered him a Bible. Andrew expressed concern for a friend by the name of Zach who is in physical distress with a heart condition. From what some aware of the situation have said, the doctors don't expect Zach to live for much longer. The team has previously shared the gospel with Zach who needs prayer as well.
Please also pray for Chris, Danielle, Thomas, and Ruth, who weren't interested in talking but accepted food.
Central Concord Team
One of the more significant conversations in Concord was with Demetrius, a man originally from San Pablo where he attended church with his family. He listened to the entire gospel conversation. When it came to the salvation prayer, he said he wasn’t ready to commit and also didn't want a Bible. The team prayed for him anyway and provided him with food and water.
The team also had a long conversation with Brett near Todos Santos Park. He claims to be a Christian and was extremely talkative. He seems to know the Bible thoroughly. He accepted food, water, a sleeping bag, a tent, reading glasses, a Bible, and an addiction booklet. He recognized the author of the addiction booklet. He asked for prayer to get back in touch with his old carnival manager whom he worked with for many years.
At Willow Pass Park our youngest team member was bold to share the gospel with two men in a large tent. The men listened intently and were impressed that our young volunteer knew so much. We are thankful for his boldness to proclaim the truth and pray that these men will consider what they heard.
North Concord Team:
The North Concord team visited the bridges where they often find homeless encampments. They first spoke with Jerit. He asked for prayer that he find more work. He said he recently got a car but he doesn't have a driver's license. He is wrestling with that fact. The team prayed with him.
Kelly asked for prayer for her daughter whose work has been slow of late. She got a new cell phone and told that to us since she has expressed interest in a Bible study.
Cyprus is the gentleman who owns a horse. He seems to be more interested in talking about his horse rather than the One who created his horse and all things.
Nickky & Lonni were found in the same tent in the same location as in previous encounters. They said their children, who live with family nearby, seem to be doing well. Lonni’s son got a full scholarship to school and their daughter has artistic ability. They were able to see her artwork on their last visit. It was sweet for the team to see them take joy in their children. The team prayed they can continue to be involved with their children in a positive way.
Mikkelo seemed to be wrestling with addiction while the team stopped to engage with him. He wasn't very responsive and wasn't interested in prayer.
Vallejo Team:
The team found the culture in the Vallejo homeless camps to be more 'grab and go.' While the team tried to have conversations with residents of the camp, random cars drove by handing out food and driving away. Those in the camp are unaccustomed to the idea of building relationships.
The team encountered John Garcia. He is the gentleman who likes to gather different Bibles to compare translations. He doesn't seem to read the Bible with a desire to learn but rather to disprove God's word. The team continues to encourage John to read it with humility and see what God would have him see and understand from His word.
Several of our team approached Vanessa in her RV. Vanessa has 4 children and they live with her mother in the RV. Our team spent some time with Vanessa both in conversation and in prayer. One of Vanessa's children joined in prayer and the team was encouraged to see her setting an example to follow.
Kristy and Will have a unique philosophy that 'we are all god, and we are all a part of god.' The team asked them to tell a little more about what they meant but they didn’t want to engage. The team offered prayer and though they declined it, the team afterwards prayed for them. Please pray with us for God to open their hearts and minds to the truth of His word. Kristy had a deep wound on her leg. The team provided her with supplies from our medical backpack.
We were thankful to hear that Melissa has someone in her life who meets her to study the Bible each week. The team prayed with and for her and offered her general supplies.
Bo and his girlfriend Kathy expressed they had very few general necessities. The team provided them with supplies and they were willing to accept a Bible. They seemed to be high on drugs and not receptive to a long conversation. We expressed some concern for the safety of their living situation as they were living very close to an active train track.
RV Team:
Our RV Bible study had two participants during this outreach, Anthony and Sandra. We had a team of six volunteers split into two groups so that each person could have their own focused time in the word.
This is Anthony's third Bible study with us. We've had many unsuccessful Bible study appointments with Anthony in the last few months so we were thankful that he was ready and willing to study God's word with us this week. Anthony has been homeless for 10 years and struggles with congestive heart failure. Anthony lives near Costco and we've tried to support him through a lot of health issues. Join us in prayer for Anthony that he not fall into despair when feeling convicted, that he sees in God's word what He expects and that he wouldn't be dismissive or argumentative and might genuinely be driven to repentance.
Our Bible study with Sandra was the first opportunity we've had to study God's word with Sandra. Sandra definitely needs prayers for her rapid deterioration of health, addiction issues, need for reconciliation with her daughter, and most especially, a better understanding of God's offer of salvation. A couple of weeks ago her body started to slowly shut down and was taken to the hospital to start emergency dialysis. After the study, on her ride back to her drop-off point, she said she enjoyed the study and wants to come again. The team has suggested biblical counseling and she has agreed that she needs it to help her move forward. The application will be delivered to her this week to start the process. We are grateful for this ongoing relationship with Sandra and the opportunities that God has been opening up.
Our Next Outreach is May 4th 2024
Please consider serving during a Saturday Outreach in one of the following ways:
1) Prepare Lunches
2) Serving at the Homeless Camps
3) Volunteer Breakfast
4) Cookies for Volunteers
Our ministry is a labor of love with the main purpose of providing gospel hope through practical means to the homeless. Thank you for serving alongside of us!
We continue to pray for those who might be able to contribute a small additional monthly gift of $25 or $50 a month to help with ongoing Hope680 expenses, including our ministry supplies, offices, and RV maintenance. We are trusting God to continue to provide through you!
FYI Our Executive Staff and Leaders (including Toby and all team leaders) are unpaid volunteers - all donations go 100% towards the running of Hope680, including administrative contractors, our facilities, and RV maintenance costs, as well as ministry supplies.