Giving Tuesday 2022 -

RV Matching Grant

This year a generous donor business has generously offered Hope680 a $4,000 matching grant. Please help us take full advantage of this grant by donating to Hope680 for Giving Tuesday 2022

The matching grant has been designated for our goal of purchasing an RV for the ministry. This gives us a safe accessible place to provide a meaningful Bible study for our homeless friends. It will create a place where people suffering from addiction could meet with a biblical counselor to help them understand the freedom available to them in Christ. Where those who have received a bible, can sit down and study it with us.

In addition to that it will also provide a place where we can offer them a meal, take a hot shower, and fresh clothing which God uses as a means for those most important gospel conversations. 

The deadline for this matching grant is Midnight PST on Nov. 29th

Please consider giving today

1 Corinthians 1:4

“I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus.”

Thank you for standing with us in the gospel!